1. Updates and approvals of new ALSes
  2. Updates on the decertification of ALSes
  3. Update of current CROPP applications
  4. Updates from Staff on NARALO initiatives, First Nation, accessibility
  5. Briefing by Working Groups members about the actions and initiatives in their working groups and in the Cross community working groups.


  1. Updates on NARALO Special Budget Requests
  2. Review of current CROPP applications and what still needs to be done
  3. Updates from Staff on NARALO initiatives, First Nation, accessibility
  4. Briefing by Working Groups members about the actions and initiatives in their working groups and in the Cross community working groups.


  1. Update from Evan and Glenn on their CROPP trips to NTEN
  2. Opened up discussions on the upcoming NARALO leadership vacancies for 2015
  3. Recruitment drive for NARALO members on working groups and also review of current members of the CROPP RT as the result of the changes made to this committee.
  4. Discussion by Holly Raiche of the upcoming At Large Review and recruitment of members to be on her committee


  1. Welcome back from Garth and goodbye to Evan
  2. Call for Elections for Chair, Secretary, ALAC 1, ALAC 2 (replacement for Glenn) and Nom Com
  3. Update on recent CROPP trips by Judith H. to SxSW. Evan on his CROPP trip to ARIN
  4. Working Groups update: Technology Task Force, CROPP, IANA Transition
  5. Update from Staff on the Special Budget Request that we would not know until end of April.
  6. Recruitment for people to join the new CROPP and Outreach/Engagement working Group. Briefing on the new structure and TOR for the Outreach Committee.
  7. Review of the new template format for monthly reports and to seek suggestions, comments on this template



  1. Sub-Regional Meeting Proposed in NYC: The idea is to have mini-regional, informal meetings in locations accessible to a number of members - possibly New York City in September. 
  2. Comparing ATLAS II Objectives with At-Large CWG Work: Are we staying to true to what we pledge as a community in work that follows an ATLAS or other proposal?
  3. Thanks to Eduardo Diaz we have the first ever NARALO Newsletter! Tell us what YOU are doing. 
  4. Recommendations for ICANN's Auction Surplus/High Interest Topic Session: The Chair served on this panel and recommended that use of these funds follow ICANN's mandate and focus on areas where the organization may be failing in the mandate, especially in the areas of improved accessibility for the disabled communities.
  5. Conflict of Interest within the ICANN Structure: Recent research into ICANN's documents show inconsistencies in the organizational structure as presented to the community. It appears that Compliance actually reports to the business division (Global Domains Division) of ICANN rather than to the CEO. This may be a conflict of interest as well as not what we have been told. See this page for details and discussion: Transparency and Accountability in the ICANN Structure







