(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)
Attendees: Murray McKercher, Ron Sherwood, Howard Deane, Garth Graham, Joly MacFie, Allan Skuce, Loris Taylor, Matthew Rantanen, Ken Whitehurst, Evan Leibovitch, Gordon Chillcott, Ogi Mitev, Eduardo Diaz, April Tinhorn, Konstantin Kalaizidis, Alan Greenberg, Tom Lowenhaupt, Louis Houle, Seith Reiss
Apologies: Judith Hellerstein, Glenn McKnight, Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
2.1: "First Nations" Mentoring Program-Heidi
2.2. Staff: Please advise of the status of the request to grant access to VIBUG for the development and testing of new ICANN web features for the visually impaired.
2.3. All: Potential ALS decertifications pending: peoplewho.org and Web405 (ON HOLD)
2.4. All: Update on the the NARALO and ARIN MOU.- Consensus was reached. Signature to take place in Singapore.
2.5 All: Update on ALS Application for the Consumers Council of Canada: ALS has received notification accreditation today.