Meeting Summary of Tele-Conference

Apr. 16, 2012

NARALO Teleconference

Present:  Darlene Thompson, Alan Greenberg, Beau Brendler, Allan Skuce, Eduardo Diaz, Garth Bruen, Gordon Chilcott, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Evan Leibovitch, Seth Reiss

Staff:  Heidi Ulrich, Matt Ashtiani, Gisela Gruber, Sylvia Vivanco

Apologies:  Cintra Sooknanan



1. New gTLD program/participant update


The application system went down and they are attempting to repair it.  They are still aiming for the same reveal date but this may change.


2. Current calls for WG membership/public comment


Policy Advice Development Calendar

See:  ICANN Public Comment page

a. Recently approved ALAC Statements:

i. ALAC Statement on the Reservation of Olympic and Red Cross Names in the nTLD Application Procedure

Alan:  So far nothing has changed and things are moving ahead as per the Applicant Guidebook.

ii.Icann Board conflicts of Interest Review - Revised Conflict of Interest Policy and Related Governance Documents

Beau would like to congratulate our region on this.  ALAC took our statement very seriously.  It caused a lot of discussion and has had far-reaching impact.  Olivier:  The ALAC has come up with an initial statement and sent it to the comments, leaving room open for a second statement, should we choose.  We have until April 24 for this and an expanded statement is being worked on.

iii. WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report 

Seth:  The final draft should be ready by the end of the month.  All comments are being incorporated into the document.  Thin WHOIS is simply the name of the registrant, so very little information – the registrar holds the information and it may be difficult to obtain.  Thick WHOIS includes much more information like address, phone number, etc.  They are suggesting an interface so that if you type in the domain name, it will send you to the thick WHOIS.

Evan:  At-Large is generally in favour of a thick WHOIS and would like that added to the .com contract.

b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC

i. .com Registry Agreement Renewal

ii.  Draft ALAC Statement on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) - Draft Report - ALAC vote closes on 13 April

iii. Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RPG) for .name - (see agenda item 7) - ALAC to discuss and vote during 17 April ALAC meeting

iv. Draft ALAC Statement on the Fake Renewal Notices Report- ALAC vote closes 17 April

v. At-Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition- ALAC vote closes 24 April

Olivier:  The WG was tasked with a specific task with the word “consumer” being used.  The Board took internet users as “consumers”.  This word is also confusing in other languages where “consumer” takes on a different meaning.  The Board needs to be aware of the way they address the issue, as that of “internet users” rather than “consumers”.

vi. Draft ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps- ALAC vote closes 27 April

c. Current open policy forums:

Does the ALAC wish to develop statements for the following Public Comments:

i. Second Annual IDNccTLDFast Track Process Review- Comment period closes 30 April

ii. .post Agreement Amendment - Comment period closes 9 May


Alan:  The .post agreement has a provision saying you cannot register at the second level a name that exists at another level.  They would like to have a (among others) so would like to have that removed.  Right now they would need approval from the appropriate government.  Right now, it would quite useful for the end user so we have no comment against this.

Darlene:  We have a current call for WG members for the Rules of Procedure and Metrics working groups.  Anybody interested should contact staff. 


3. Recap of current projects and issues


            - Survey (Glenn/Beau)


We hope to present the results of the survey at the Prague meeting


            - NA statement on conflict of interest (Beau)


Beau will continue to pursue this.


            - resultant success/resonance of message



4. Discussion of geographic regions


Evan:  There were definite political issues coming up and there are definitely countries that wish to join up with NARALO.  Of course, we cannot initiate anything.  We will have to wait for them to request.  NARALO is still the only region that actively encourages individuals.  Do we allow individuals to join.

Alan:  Our Rules of Procedure do not allow individual members to join unless they live in the region.  Also, if we follow the rules of the RIRs, we could end up with Jamaica because they get their addresses from North America but not Trinidad and Tobago because they get their addresses from South America.

Olivier:  There was a statement from the ALAC that was sent in only a few months ago that mentions a third avenue that suggests that those countries that are on a boundary between two regions, they should be able to choose which one they would like to join.  This may be more palatable to some.  We made use of the Ombudsman for the LACRALO meeting and there has been some progress made.  LACRALO is now going through a set of elections.

Heidi:  The LACRALO has on their next steps and are making progress on the working groups that were set up in Costa Rica.

Olivier:  In Costa Rica, LACRALO had a great bunch of capacity building meetings and a great showcase which really helped to pull the region together.  We still haven’t heard from ICANN Finance as to whether a NARALO GA will be funded for Toronto but a GA makes a huge difference in the working to the region.


5. Other business
Evan:  Do we do a showcase for Toronto?  If so, we need to start now.  Beau will put this up as an action item and send out an e-mail to get the consensus of the group.

Evan:  Ganesh will not be able to make it to Prague.  There has been a proposal for Dev to come instead.  He has done a lot of really hard work and would be an excellent person to have there, even though he is not from our region.

Eduardo:  So right now LACRALO has no secretariat?  Evan:  Correct.  Dev is not funded to go.

Alan:  He is not planning to run so there will be a new Secretariat elected before Prague.

Olivier:  There are new people that are running for the Secretariat position so one of those two people will attend for LACRALO.

Alan:  He will be invaluable in the meeting in Prague.

Beau:  We should give the region a chance to comment so as to achieve consensus.  If anybody has any comments, please send them directly to Beau and Darlene so that we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings!