LACRALO ALAC Representative - Position currently held by Dev Anand Teelucksingh
LACRALO delegate to the NomCom - Position currently held by Vanda Scartezini
2014 LACRALO ALAC Representative Selection
* Nominations open : 23 de julio 2014 * Nominations close : 30 de julio 2014
* The elections period online : 4 - 8 August 2014 2014 LACRALO Regional Selections Nominations for LACRALO Chair
TIMELINE:Please note the vote for LACRALO Election March 2014/LACRALO Elecciones Marzo 2014 has now ended. |
2015 LACRALO ALAC Delegate to Nom Com
Position currently occupied by Vanda Scartezini- Term expires in the AGM 2014.
The ALT has proposed the following schedule for the presentation of nominations and RALO consultations for its review by the ALAC :