
This is the LACRALO SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) table prepared by the LACRALO Strategic Planning WG 



  • ALSes in 15 countries in LAC region








  • Language barrier to particapte in ALAC / At-Large WGs which work in English
  • Language barrier makes it difficult for ALSes in LA (predominately Spanish) and Caribbean (predominately English) to understand each other and thus colloborate together
  • Politics - groups in LACRALO compete for LACRALO Representatives. Groups can mobilise ALSes to vote in elections but not in ICANN policy development
  • Different perspectives in how LACRALO should be administered ("sovereign"
  • Individuals can only participate as observers




  • have At-Large representation in all 33 Countries in LAC region
  • End users from a diverse range of countries with respect to history, language, culture, population size could bring unique perspectives into ICANN activities





  • Dissolution of LACRALO
  • ALSes/individuals frustrated by the politics become disenfranchised with LACRALO