Date: 06 March 2012
Time: 20:00 UTC - 21:30 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0312/1
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Action Items: EN and ES
Summary Minutes: ES
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Interpretation: EN and ES
Recording: EN and ES
Transcription: EN and ES
Apologies: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Fatima Cambronero, Jose Salgueiro, Natalia Enciso, Sylvia, Antonio Medina, Juan Manuel Rojas
A G E N D A (English) - to be updated
1. Welcome – Roll call – Dev (2 mins)
2. LACRALO Capacity Building Sessions in Costa Rica - 15 mins
See: LACRALO Capacity Building Sessions Workspace
Scheduling of Capacity Building Sessions, with a look to have sessions with the Fellowship and Newcomer meetings
a. Possible Topics
b. Update from Staff on Confirmed Speakers
3. LACRALO Showcase discussion - 20 mins
See: LACRALO Showcase Schedule
a. Keynote speakers and theme
b. Showcase agenda
c Discussion of Showcase dancers and drinks
4. LACRALO GA meeting 20 mins
a. Possible agenda items
5. Future meeting times for LACRALO Costa Rica WG - 5 min
A G E N D A (Espanol)
1. Bienvenida – Participantes – Dev (2 mins)
2. Sesiones de capacitacion de LACRALO en Costa Rica - 15 min
Organizacion de sesiones de Capacitacion, con una mira a sesiones de "Fellowship" y de reuniones de "Newcomer"
Temas Posibles
3. Discusion del Showcase - 20 min
a. Posible Orador del "keynote" y tema.
b. Posible agenda del showcase
c Discussion of Showcase dancers and drinks
4. Reunion de Asamblea General de LACRALO -
General Assemblies workspace
a. Posible temas de agenda
5. Horario para las reuniones de los grupos de trabajo de LACRALO - 20 min