LACRALO Feburary Meeting
Date: Thursday 16 February 2012 Time: 21:30 UTC - 22:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0112/1
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Action Items: EN and ES
Summary Minutes:ES
Interpretation: EN and ES
Recording: EN and ES
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES
A G E N D A (English):
1. Welcome - Roll call- Jose (2 Mins)2. Action Items - Dev (2 mins)3. Polices out for public comment ; ICANN Public Comment Forum page - Dev (5 mins)4. Update on LACRALO events in Costa Rica - José, Dev (10 mins) (Note this is for those who have not attended the events call, just asummary, not extensive planning decisions expected when this item is discussed)5. Update on ALAC and At-Large WGs activities - Sergio, Natalia,Carlton, Dev (15 mins) Draft Objection Process6. Any other business - José (5 mins)Think we should discuss the advice pending for the ALS from Uruguayand the concerns re: advice to approve or not
A G E N D A (Espanol):
1. Bienvenida - Asistencia Jose (2 Mins)
2. Acciones - Dev (2 mins)
3. Politicas para comentario publico ;Pagina de ICANN de Comentarios Publicos - Dev (5 mins)
4. Posibles eventos LACRALO en Costa Rica - José (10 mins)
5. LACRALO showcase en Costa Rica - José (10 min)
6. LACRALO propuesta para ICANN FY13 - Dev (10 mins)
7. ALAC y Grupos de trabajo de At-Large - Sergio, Natalia, Dev (15 mins)
8. Otros asuntos - José (5 mins)