Monthly LACRALO Teleconference
Date: 17 February 2011
Time: 21:00 UTC - 22:30 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0211/1
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Action Items: ES
Summary Minutes: ES
Interpretation: EN and ES
Recording: EN and ES
Transcription: EN and ES
A G E N D A (English) - TO BE UPDATED
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting. Some agenda items have documents attached to it. If available, the document is next to the agenda item. Please do not insert text next to agenda items. The agenda will be easier to read without explanatory text attached. If you would like to add text, please create a new page and link it to the agenda item.
Standing Issues:
1. Roll Call (2 minutes)
2. Review of action items from the 20 January call (5 minutes)
3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)
a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
b. The ALAC is currently working on the following documents:
- Integrated JAS Charter
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines
c. Recently submitted ALAC statements:
Proposed Agenda Items:
4. Update on Current Policy Issues (Andres, Vanda, Dev, Sergio)(10 minutes)
5. Review LACRALO Input to Work Team C SWOT Analysis (Dev) (20 minutes)
Background Information:Workspace for LACRALO input into WT C SWOT analyses
6. Review of Sub-regional LACRALO Calls (Andrés, Dev)(10 mins)
a. Review of the Carribean Call (Dev)
b. Review of the Latin-American Call (Andrés)
c. Discuss Outcomes and Next Steps
7. Status Update on Draft Bylaw Modifications (Dev, Sylvia, Fatima, Sergio) (5 minutes)
Reference Material:
LACRALO Bylaw Working Group
Draft Modifications LACRALO Operating Principles 2010
8. LACRALO Budget Requests for FY12 (Sylvia, Cintra Jessel, Dev)(10 minutes)
Background Information:
At-Large FY12 Budget Proposal Master Document
At-Large FY12 Budget Proposal
ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee
9. Preparations for the LACRALO Activities at ICANN San Francisco Meeting (Andres, Dev)(5 minutes)
10. Overview of At-Large Improvement Activities (WT A, B, C, D)(Sylvia, Carlos Vera, Carlos Aguirre, Matias, Daniel, Antonio, Dev)(5 minutes)
11. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC and LACRALO Members (Andés, Dev, Carlton, Sergion, Sylvia) (10 mins)
12. Any other Business (5 mins)