Participants: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Rudi Vansnick, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal, Chris Grundemann, Antonio Medina Gomez, Carlos Vera, Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Apologies: Charles Mok, Hong Xue, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
Absent: Beau Brendler
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White
1. Roll call – 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 3 Feb 2011 meeting -- Dev, 5 min
a) Seth to contact Beau for feedback on consumer document.
- Completed. Beau had no further comments.
b) Heidi to add WT D’s consumer document to the Consumer Commons for comments, once the WT considers it ready.
- See: WT D's consolidated consumer document – draft 2
WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s) workspace
- In progress. Further suggestions made for document by WT during this meeting.
In response to WT D’s previous suggestions, new definitions (by Rob Hoggarth) had already been put into the glossary for GNSO, NCSG and NCUC.
WT D’s further suggestions for glossary portion of updated consumer document:
>> AI: Seth to incorporate WT’s further suggestions for glossary portion of updated consumer document (as per discussion in 17 Feb 2011 meeting).
c) Dev to consider incorporating into main PAD flowchart: (a) additional points at which extensions can be requested (see details in 3 Feb meeting notes) and (b) a way of “extending an extension” (i.e., of requesting a second extension) with all information and reasons specified.
- In progress; see agenda item below.
d) Dev to add to Before policy is available for comment flowchart: an ICANN committee will actively monitor policy calendar in order to coordinate public comment periods, group related policies together, decide release dates, report back to SOs/ACs, etc.
- In progress; see agenda item below.
3. Revision of PAD flowcharts (continued discussion) – Dev, 5 min
- Main PAD flowchart to include (a) additional points at which extensions can be requested and a way of “extending an extension” (of requesting a second extension)
- Before policy is available for comment flowchart to include proposed ICANN committee that monitors policy calendar to coordinate public comment periods, group related policies together, decide release dates, report back to SOs/ACs, etc.
How should allowing for variable-length extensions be incorporated into the flowchart?
Comments can come in until the last minute of the public comment period, of course. The ALAC should have the ability to review these comments and respond to them in its own comment or in any other way change its own comment based on them.
Before policy is available for comment flowchart
The WT continued discussing the idea of an ICANN community, cross-constituency committee that:
The potential problem with proposing such a community, cross-constituency committee: The other ACs/SOs might consider it over-reaching (vis-à-vis the At-Large Improvements).
>> AI: Heidi and Seth, perhaps conferring with David Olive, Rob Hoggarth, and/or Legal, to come up with a word (other than “committee”) and model for this staff group that might monitor and coordinate public comment periods ICANN-wide.
The WT discussed whether or not it should consult with other existing committees that already deal with issues regarding the public comment period, regarding whether they consider the ideas the WT is proposing (in particular, the idea for a committee to monitor the policy calendar) to have merit.
In light of the above, a two-step approach to this proposal was suggested:
>> AI: Dev to modify both Main PAD flowchart
4. Review of tasks under Rec. 8 (except 8.3.1, done last meeting), 12, & 13 to determine any needed next steps – Dev, 30 min.
- See WT D At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline
Rec. 8: The public comment period should remain 30 days, except in the case of special circumstances, for which ALAC may request an extension to 45 days.
Left to do: For the individual tasks, all the WT needs to do next is identify the right flowchart that corresponds to the task and come up with the proposal(s) it wishes to make.
Rec. 12: ICANN should develop a mechanism that allows the voice of those bodies recognized as representing consumer interests to be heard at critical points in key decisions and to provide input into policy processes.
Left to do: For the individual tasks, all the WT needs to do next is send its updated consumer document draft, when it’s ready, to the Consumer Commons for comments.
Rec. 13: ALAC should strive to provide policy advice on any issues that affect individual Internet users. To this end, the following should be strengthened: (a) the processes within ALAC for developing and providing policy advice; (b) the processes within the SOs for requesting input from ALAC on policy issues; and (c) the processes within the SOs, ACs, and the Board for providing ALAC with feedback about how its policy advice has been used.
Task 13.4: Ensure the GNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarrantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process
Task 13.5: Ensure the ccNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process
Task 13.6: Ensure the ASO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process
Left to do: The WT has discussed 13.4, 13.5, 13.6 in previous meetings and knows its related proposals. It now needs to simply include its related proposals in its final reporting and presentation to the ALAC.
For many of these tasks, it’s important to:
>> AI: Heidi to look into possibility of ensuring tasks 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 via an ALAC recommendation to David Olive.
>> AI: Seth to put on agenda for next meeting: Idea-storming regarding the possibility of ensuring tasks 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 via an ALAC recommendation to David Olive.
5. Any other business -- Dev, 5 min
No other business was introduced.
6. Confirmation of next meeting – Dev, 5 min
- Possibilities: 19:00 UTC (as usual) or 22:00 UTC on Wed, 03 Mar 2011
The WT agreed to hold its next meeting at 22:30 UTC (instead of 19:00 UTC) on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 – in order to make it easier for its Asian members to participate.
The meeting was adjourned.