Dear all,

The next call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 19 September 2016 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 16:00 London, 17:00 CEST

for other places see:


1.    Welcome/Review Agenda

2.    SOIs

3.    Discussion – Letter from the GNSO Council re: the ICANN Board letter 

4.    Continued discussion: CC1 Review Tool

5.    Work Track Status Updates

6.    AOB

      a.   Planning for ICANN57

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AC Chat

Dial outs:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Carlos Raul Gutierrez


Apologies:  Quoc Pham, Heather Forrest, Susan Payne, Amr Elsadr, Vanda Scartezini 

On audio only: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Cecilia Smith


1.  Review Agenda

Action Item: Change the order of the items in the agenda to move #5 to #3.

2. Work Track Sub Team Status Updates:

3. Discussion – Letter from the GNSO Council re: the ICANN Board letter

Jeff Neuman: Seeking a response by 25 September.  On the agenda for the GNSO Council meeting on 29 September.


1.  Do we respond?

2.  If we do respond do we have thoughts on this issue, i.e., bifurcating the work of the group analogous to the Work Stream process (WS 1 and 2)

Action Item:  Jeff and Avri will give Paul a note and Paul can explain it further to the GNSO Council.

Discussion Notes:

4. CC1 Discussion: Subject 2: Categorization or differentiation of gTLDs (for example brand, geographical, or supported/community) in ongoing new gTLD mechanisms.  See the CC1 Review Tool on the wiki at: -

Discussion Notes:

Jeff Neuman: Already some recognition of categories in gTLDs.

2a.R1: GAC response.

Kavouss Arasteh: Categorization may be helpful provided it provide simplification, not difficulty.

2a.R2: Registries response and 2a.R3: IPC comments:

5.  Hyderabad Planning

Discussion Notes: