Prepare the first draft of the GRC presentation at MarrakechKatrina 
Start working on Appointment NomCom Representative - prepare and share the first draftKatrina 
Start working on Board Selection - prepare and share the first draftKatrina 
Final comments on Triage Committee CharterGRCGRC members, please comment by 1st February
Guideline: ccNSO Statements -> Plain EnglishBen 
Guideline: ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities -> Plain EnglishBen 
Final comments on Guideline: ccNSO Roles and ResponsibilitiesGRC

GRC members, please comment by 11 January 2016
Clarification needed for Triage Committee CharterBart

Final comments on Guideline: ccNSO StatementsGRC

GRC members, please comment by 11 January 2016
Start working on Guideline: ccNSO Council MeetingsMargarita/TeamFirst draft
Council Meeting
Comment on the latest version of the Guideline: ccNSO Roles and ResponsibilitiesTeam
Charter: ccNSO Meeting Programme WG -> Plain EnglishBen

Programme WG/Committee Charter
Guideline: ccNSO Collaboration Groups with a Limited Scope -> Plain EnglishStephen 
Review Triage Committee CharterMargarita

Guideline: ccNSO Meetings -> Plain EnglishStephen 
Advice from the Tech Group neededStephen 
Look at Guideline: ccNSO Statements commentsBart


Include in a note to the ccNSO Council at submission:
need to review the Guideline: ccNSO Meetings in light of the new meeting structure


Pending until the final report

Clarify wiki permissions, giving team leaders editing rightsKim COMPLETED
team leaders have necessary permissions to edit pages
Bart to clarify 4.1 Meetings Guideline and Update Program WGBart COMPLETED

ccNSO Meeting Days
Programme WG/Committee Charter

Bart and Eduardo proposal on 3.6 Draft Statement GuidelineBart / Eduardo COMPLETED

see: ccNSO Statements