ccNSO welcome & policy update session Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 14:00-15:00 UTC (09:00-10:00 local) Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Auditorio (ccNSO)
The ccNSO Chair Alejandra Reynoso (.gt), together with ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) Chair Everton Rodrigues (.br) will welcome the attendees to the ccNSO Members Meeting. Moreover, the ccPDP3-Review Mechanism Working Group and the ccPDP4-IDN Working Group will present their proposals and seek input from the ccTLD community. About ccPDP3 ccPDP3 consists of two parts: 1. ccPDP3-RET. During the ICANN75 ICANN Annual General Meeting in September 2022, the ICANN Board of Directors adopted the ccNSO policy recommendation pertaining to the retirement of the delegated Top Level Domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process. The next step is the implementation of the policy. 2. ccPDP3-RM. The ccPDP3-Review Mechanism Working Group has developed a proposed mechanism pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of the delegated top-level domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and territories in the ISO 3166-1 standard. The group is nearing its conclusion, and will use ICANN76 to inform the community about its policy proposals, before submitting its final report to the ccNSO Council. About ccPDP4 This Policy Development Process defines the criteria, process, and procedures for (de)selecting IDN ccTLD string. These strings are the IDN TLDs that are associated with the country codes assigned to countries, territories, or other areas of geopolitical interest listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard. The results of this ccPDP4 will eventually replace the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process. The ccPDP4 consists of three subgroups: the variant management subgroup, the confusing similarity review subgroup, and the de-selection subgroup. All subgroups have completed their initial proposals. The ccPDP4 working group has nearly concluded its initial policy development work, and intends to use this session as a final opportunity to seek feedback from the ccTLD community on its draft recommendations before publishing its initial report for public comment.