ccNSO Newcomer Webinar

Tuesday, 31 May 2022 | 12:30 - 13:30 UTC

 Session Recordings 

Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? Join Biyi Oladipo (.ng), ccNSO Council Vice Chair, for a
 1-hour ccTLD Webinar for newcomers.  Biyi will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN74 Virtual Policy Forum, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region. 

(blue star) Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

ccTLD News Sessions

 Session Recordings 

About ccTLD News

Previous editions of the ccTLD News Sessions had an excellent collection of case studies, statistics, new developments, trends and more. The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and has provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. For reference, the most recent session was held in March 2022, prior to ICANN73.  The sessions are organised by the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) and/or dedicated sub teams.  The ccTLD News Sessions are open to all.

Thursday, 19 May 2022 | 13:00-14:30 UTC
The impact of the pandemic on ccTLDs

Session Chair: Everton Rodrigues (.br)

  • Session Chair: Everton Rodrigues (.br)

    • COVID 19: a force majeure impacting the domain name environment, Marta Dias (.pt)
    • The Impact of the Pandemic on .GE ccTLD, Sophie Khidasheli (.ge)
    • New Registry-Registrar Business Practices in response to COVID-19: the .ng experience, Eyitayo Iyortim (.ng)
    • A study about the Impact of the pandemic on ccTLDs domain names registration in Africa – two ASCII ccTLDs and one IDN ccTLD, Hadia Elminiawi
    • The conversation continues: Join the speakers in a breakout room for an additional 15 minutes.

(blue star)  Session Recordings 

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 | 06:00-07:30 UTC
The link between ccTLDs and national CERTs or similar cybersecurity ecosystems

Session Chair: Annaliese Williams (.au)

The cybersecurity session is co-organised by the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) and ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC).

(blue star)  Session Recordings 

Table of Contents:


Learn more about the ccNSO Sessions prior and during ICANN74

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Hybrid Policy Forum from 13-16 June, in UTC +2
Information and schedule:
Prep Week (31 May - 2 June):

Important: In-person registration for this hybrid event closes five days before the meeting starts. On-site registration is not possible and all participants intending to attend in person must register in advance.

  • You must be registered and signed in to view the ICANN74 schedule and participation details. 
  • Access and ability to log into the schedule platform can take up to 30 minutes after completing the registration process. 
  • Zoom recordings are posted on the ICANN org schedule platform within the session description of each session as soon as they become available, which is generally the same day as the live session, by the end of the day or within 12 hours of the session conclusion.

  • Follow ICANN on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram to get the latest #ICANN74 news.  Follow ccNSO on Twitter.

ccNSO at ICANN74: Members Meeting

Joint meeting ccNSO and GNSO Councils 
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 | 07:00-08:00 UTC

 Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: King Willem Alexander

During this joint session the ccNSO Council and the GNSO Council will discuss topics of common interest, including a discussion on what happens after policy recommendations are accepted by either council, policy development efforts for IDNs, the latest developments of Phase 2 of the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, and finally, developments regarding DNS abuse.

ccNSO Policy Update Session 
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 | 11:15-12:30 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings |  Room: Princess Ariane (ccNSO)

Two ccNSO Policy Development Process Working Groups will provide an update on their progress to date and seek input from the ccTLDs and other community members present on their proposals:

  • The ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Working Group
    The goal of the working group (WG) is to report on and recommend a policy for a review mechanism with respect to decisions pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of the delegated Top Level Domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 and within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process.  To date the working group has identified which decisions should be subject to a review and explored the requirements for the review mechanism.  The group is now taking a deep-dive into the  various requirements and related topics
  • The ccPDP4 Working Group on the (de) selection of Internationalised Domain Name ccTLD strings
    The ccPDP4 Working Group defines the criteria, process, and procedures for (de)selecting Internationalised Domain Name country code Top Level Domain strings (IDN ccTLDS) associated with the country codes assigned to countries, territories or other areas of geopolitical interest listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard and within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process.  The results of this ccPDP4 will eventually replace the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process. 

    The ccPDP4 full working group completed its review and discussion of the 2013 policy proposals for the IDN ccTLD string selection process. The fourth ccNSO PDP (ccPDP4) consists of three subgroups. The variant management subgroup continues its review of the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) variant top-level domain (TLD) recommendations. The de-selection subgroup, tasked with defining the trigger event(s) that will cause the start of the IDN country code top-level domain (ccTLD) retirement process, recently completed its work. The retirement process itself is out of scope for ccPDP4 and defined as part of ccPDP3. A third subgroup on confusing similarity started its work in April 2022.

ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Working Group 
Tuesday, 14 June 2022  | 13:00-14:00 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Mississippi (ALAC)

The goal of the working group (WG) is to report on and recommend a policy for a review mechanism with respect to decisions pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of the delegated Top Level Domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 and within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process.  The working group has identified which decisions should be subject to a review and explored the requirements for the review mechanism. The working group is now taking a deep-dive into the various requirements and related topics. The group will hold a working session during ICANN74. The working group charter, work plan, and other relevant documents are available on its website and workspace.

ccPDP4 (de)selection IDN ccTLD Strings Working Group 
Tuesday, 14 June 2022  | 14:30-15:30 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Mississippi (ALAC)

The ccPDP4 Working Group defines the criteria, process, and procedures for (de)selecting Internationalised Domain Name country code Top Level Domain strings (IDN ccTLDS) associated with the country codes assigned to countries, territories or other areas of geopolitical interest listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard and within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process.  The results of this ccPDP4 will eventually replace the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process. 

The ccPDP4 Working Group completed its review and discussion of the 2013 policy proposals for the IDN ccTLD string selection process. The ccPDP4 consists of three subgroups: the variant management subgroup, the confusing similarity review subgroup, and the de-selection subgroup. By ICANN74, all subgroups will have completed their initial proposals, or will be in the final phases of doing so. During ICANN74, the full working group will hold a working session, to start the stress-testing of the draft policy recommendations to date. The working group charter, work plan, and other relevant documents are available on its website and workspace.

ccNSO Governance Session
Wednesday, 15 June 2022  | 08:30-10:00 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Princess Ariane (ccNSO)

The focus of the ICANN74 governance session will be on ccNSO statement of interest and conflict of interest processes. Based on feedback from this session, the subteam of the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee will develop proposals for consideration by the ccNSO Council and ccNSO membership. In addition, there will be a discussion on the impact on existing rules and operating procedures of the inclusion of IDN ccTLD managers as members of the ccNSO.

Tech Working Group
Wednesday, 15 June 2022  | 13:00-14:00 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Mississippi (ALAC)

ccNSO TLD-OPS Standing Committee and Security Subgroup Meeting
Wednesday, 15 June 2022  | 14:30-15:30 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Mississippi (ALAC)

The Top-Level Domain Operations (TLD-OPS) Standing Committee is the oversight body of the TLD-OPS mailing list. The purpose of the standing committee is to govern the daily operation of the TLD-OPS email list; and, when deemed necessary, to develop and implement progress plans for future improvements and developments of the TLD-OPS email list, including its ecosystem. TLD-OPS is the incident response community for and by ccTLDs and brings together those who are responsible for the overall security and stability of their ccTLD. The goal of the TLD-OPS community is to enable ccTLD operators worldwide to collaboratively strengthen their incident response capabilities. 

During ICANN74, the TLD-OPS Standing Committee will have a meeting with its security subcommittee. They will review progress to date, action items, and refine its strategy. The security subcommittee will discuss its effectiveness since its formation and if any changes or improvements are needed. 

ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, 16 June 2022  | 07:00-08:00 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Princess Ariane (ccNSO)

The aim of the committee is to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in the strategic and operational planning related budgetary processes of ICANN and PTI. The ccNSO Council and individual ccTLD managers, collectively or individually, will be invited to support the position or input of the committee. Membership in the committee is open to all ccTLD managers (whether members or non-members of the ccNSO). The committee may submit a relevant Rejection Action Petition against the ICANN and IANA budgets or their strategic and operating plans. During ICANN74, the SOPC will review and discuss with the ccTLD community the goal, scope, and method of ccNSO input into ICANN strategic and operational planning processes. 

ccNSO DNS Abuse Session
Thursday, 16 June 2022  | 08:30-10:00 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: King Willem Alexander

This session informs the community on the views of ccTLDs from different geographical regions on DNS Abuse. What are their top priorities? What do they do to mitigate DNS Abuse?  The session serves as useful input for the ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC), which is the core of the ccTLD community-driven process around DNS Abuse. In keeping with the nature of the ccNSO, the purpose of the Committee is not to formulate any policy or standards, recognising that policy development in this area is out of scope of the ccNSO policy remit. The overarching purpose is to raise understanding and awareness of the issues pertaining to DNS Abuse, promote open and constructive dialogue, and ultimately to assist ccTLD Managers in their efforts to mitigate the impact of DNS Abuse. In undertaking its activities, the Committee is not mandated nor shall it act as a representative of nor act on behalf of the ccNSO, ccNSO Membership, ccNSO Council or individual ccTLD Managers collectively or individually. 


At ICANN73, the ccNSO Council adopted the Roadmap regarding the ccNSO and DNS Abuse.  Moreover, ccTLDs suggested areas for improvement to the draft DASC's draft Terms of Reference, specifically to include safeguards with respect to the scope of its mandate. The amended Terms of Reference were subsequently adopted by Council.

ccNSO Council 
Thursday, 16 June 2022  | 11:15-12:30 UTC

Join meeting and consult session recordings | Room: Princess Ariane (ccNSO)

The Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Council will hold a public meeting to adopt the FY22-24 ccNSO workplan, which details the expected duration of the ccNSO PDPs, community work, and ccNSO administrative tasks. In addition, the ccNSO Council is expected to appoint new leadership teams for the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee and ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee. Further, it is expected that the Council will also adopt the timelines for the ccNSO ICANN Board Seat 11 nomination process and the upcoming ccNSO Council elections. Additional topics for the ccNSO Council meeting will be made available on the ccNSO Council workspace closer to the meeting.