Members: Stephen Deerhake (Chair), Eberhard Lisse (Vice-chair), Abibu Ntahigiye, Barrack Otieno, Nigel Roberts, Martin Boyle, Peter Koch, Nick Wenban Smith, Mirjana Tasic, Barbara Povse, Danko Jevtovic, Debbie Monahan, Svitlana Tkachenko
Participants: Maureen Hilyard
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Patricio Poblete, Peter Van Roste, Peter Vergote, Barrack Otieno, Liz Williams, Ann-Cathrin Marcussen, Michele Neylon
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Introduction Zoom (remote participation tool)
3. Work Schedule until Panama meeting
4. Tracking Participation
5. Scenarios
6. Comparative Analysis
7. Next Meeting
8. AOB
9. Closure
From Abibu Ntahigiye : Hi all.
From bart.boswinkel : Hi Abibu
From Kimberly Carlson : As a reminder, these calls will be recorded and transcribed
From Eberhard Lisse : WHoever is typing, please mute
From Maureen Hilyard : Zoom is a lot easier to use than Webex - believe me!
From Joke Braeken : For your information: I will be taking notes offline for today’s meeting.
From jaap : I seem do see a note pad now
From Danko Jevtović : Hi All
From jaap : The note pad was apparently part of the powerpoint
From Peter Koch : the 3rd May call is scheduled for 1700 UTC, is that still correct?
From Eberhard Lisse : Peter, I have that time listed
From jaap : Me too
From Kimberly Carlson : link to survey
From Eberhard Lisse : Some airplanes have WIFi :-)-O
From Joke Braeken :
From Joke Braeken : link to the European Commission’s communication:
From sveta : hello! I’m late, sorry
From jaap : One can scroll if not in full screen mode
From jaap : Bu on a single page only
From Eberhard Lisse : .BQ is not delegaed due to “lack of demand”
From Barrack Otieno : no comment from me document is clear
From Eberhard Lisse : we are working on producing readable Outlines from MindMaps
From Kimberly Carlson : as a reminder, you can adjust the size of what is being displayed by selecting "view options" at the top of the screen
From Eberhard Lisse : Kim Davies said PTI has a working method for finding out in place
From Eberhard Lisse : Can we please collect a list of MindMap applications used within the Wg?
From Eberhard Lisse : We know of Xmind, NovaMind, MindNode and iThoughtsX so far. Anything else?
From Barrack Otieno : thank you Bart, the mind map is very helpfull
From Barrack Otieno : thank you El as well
From martin boyle : Here but nothing to add
From martin boyle : yes
From Barrack Otieno : clear to me
From Debbie : yes agree with that approach of silence equalling agreement
From nickw : like the visual of the mind map and think that's a useful way to do the comparative analysis
From Kimberly Carlson : 19 April @14:00 UTC
From Joke Braeken : Just a reminder to kindly participate in the survey, and to evaluate the use of ZOOM. Your feedback is important in helping staff to support the WG.
From Barrack Otieno : none from me thank you Chair and all liked the new tool
From nickw : thanks Stephen for chairing!
From Kimberly Carlson : thank you everyone
From Danko Jevtović : Thank you all. Mind map is usefull!