As provided in ICANN's Bylaws (Article XI, Section 3.8), the Non-Contracted Parties House (NCPH) is a component of the GNSO Council structure.  For voting purposes, the GNSO Council (see Article XI, Section 3.1 of the Bylaws) is organized into a bicameral House structure including the NCPH and the Contracted Parties House (CPH).  The NCPH includes members of the Commercial Stakeholder Group (six members), members of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (six members), and an additional voting member appointed by the ICANN Nominating Committee - for a total of thirteen voting members. 

Non-Contracted Parties House Structure

Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG)Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)
Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC)Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC)
Internet Service and Connection Providers Constituency (ISPCP)Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency (NPOC)
Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC)

Procedural Documents: