Authoritative TLDs—Top Level Domain Servers (ccTLDs & gTLDs)

  1. Types
    1. Generic (.com, .net, .etc)
    2. Country (.uk, .ne, etc)

  2. Best Practices
    1. Hardening the Operating Environment
      1. Must 
        1. Limit Access
        2. Enable DNS
        3. Ensure zone file integrity

      2. Should
        1. Enable Security Functions (DNSSEC - Sign your zone)

      3. May
        1. Run a hidden Primary server
  3. General Considerations
    1. Hardening the System Environment
    2. Hardening the Network Environment
  4. Establishing Implementation Guidelines
    1. Checklists
    2. How-Tos
    3. Configuration Processes
    4. Examples