This page provides drafts of the technical training materials for the community, for broader use. Please share any feedback to
Abridged Training Materials from Different Trainings Conducted
- APTLD-ICANN Trainings on UA (Jan-May 2021) - Further details and recordings here.
- Budapest University Training on IDNs and UA (29 April 2021)
- Introduction to IDNs and UA (PDF)
- Regional Training Series on UA, EAI Configuration, Programming (in Java) to Support UA, The Life of a UA Ambassador
Original (More Detailed) Set of Training Materials and Training Recordings
- Technical Overview of Universal Acceptance
- Training on EAI for System Administrators
- Setting up an Email Server for EAI Support
- Universal Acceptance for Java Developers
- Universal Acceptance for Python Developers
- How to design and develop applications and systems with Python to support UA (PDF, 5 MB)