Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.1010/1
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
Click here for all currently open public consultations.
a. The following public consultations are currently not on the PAD. Does the ExCom wish to add them to the PAD?
Nominations Open/Election Call Issued: TBD
Nominations Close: TBD
Acceptance of Nominations Due By: TBD
ALAC Voting Begins: TBD
ALAC Voting Concludes: TBD (At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are held over a 5 or 7 day period)
For Reference:
Relevant rules are 2, 4, 9 and 10
Rec 6 CWG Report: [PDF, 1.06 MB]
gTLD WG - ALAC draft statement on Rec 6 CWG Report wiki workspace
Does the Executive Committee wish to approach the GAC to see if a joint AC approach might be in order /in addition to the ALAC letter (needs to be drafted in meeting session) to the Board on the recent resolutions?
FYI: Meeting Confirmation Forms will be released on 5 October and due by 3 November. The ICANN Meeting Schedule will be posted on 11 November.
Click here for the draft At-Large Cartagena Meetings Schedule
The ExCom is requested to confirm the At-Large meetings they would like to hold during the 39th ICANN Meeting in Cartagena. The agendas of the meetings may be confirmed in November.