On 22 March 2014, an initial Presentation was made by Ray Plzak to the GNSO Working Session during the ICANN meeting in Singapore.
Westlake Governance submitted their Draft Report to the Working Party for their review. The Working Party will provide input prior to it being published for Public Comment on 1 June 2015.
On 7 May 2014, a webinar was held to discuss the upcoming GNSO Review.
This briefing provided the GNSO community with information about the GNSI review process, collected feedback from the community, and answered questions concerning this process. The webinar was recorded and is available for those who were not be able to join the session live.
On 28 September 2013, the ICANN Board adopted Resolution 1e, which directs the Board Structural Improvements Committee to schedule the review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), which is mandated by ICANN Bylaws Article IV, Section 4, to commence in 2014, and that preparations for this Review commence as soon as feasible.
The GNSO Review Working Party requested clarification relating to structural aspects of the GNSO.
Memo from SIC - 16 January 2015
GNSO Review Working Party Charter
Presentation during ICANN50 - London
Webinar: Briefing About the Upcoming Review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)
GNSO Review 360 Assessment: Participate and Make Your Voice Heard!
Letter from Participants - 16 January 2015