Reference documents:

EURALO Articles of Association

Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015

Nominations :


Nominated by 

Country/Country of residence (for individual members) Expression of Interest

 Matthieu  Camus

 Wolf Ludwig              



 Annette Mühlberg 

 Olivier Passek



 Lutz Donnerhacke

 Olivier Passek



 Oliver Passek

Werner Hülsmann 



 Yrjo Lansipuro

  Annette Mühlberg



 Jordi Iparraguirre

  Annette Mühlberg


 Mikhail Medrish


 Yuliya Morenets


 Yuliya Morenets


 Yuliya  Morenets France 

 Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Roberto Gaetano



Jean-Jacques Subrenat was nominated (by Roberto Gaetano) for a position on the EURALO Board. His recent and current work as a volunteer on Internet matters includes:

  • ICANN Board of Directors (2007-10)
  • Member of the ALAC (2010-12, again 2012-14)
  • Member of the ICG, appointed by ALAC (since its inception in 2014)
  • Member of the NetMundial Initiative inaugural Coordination Council, nominated by EURALO (since its creation in December 2014)
  • Member of ISOC Chapters: France, Belgium, San Francisco Bay Area (the latter as its "global ambassador")
  • President of (elected in October 2015)
  • Brief profile: