Zoom Chat: EN
Dial out Participants:
FR: Etienne Tshishimbi, Imrane Ahmat Souleymane, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Abdrahamane Samba Sidibe, Bakary Kouyate, Bamba Vassindou, Minata ZONG-NABA, Michel Tchonang Linze, Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE
EN: Peters Omoragbon, Patricia Akello, Nkem Nweke, Omar Shuran, Remmy Nweke, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Yazid Akanho,
Apologies: Barrack Otieno (tentative), Adri Baard, Leon Sanchez,
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter
FR Interpreters: Isabelle & Camila
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
At-Large Policy Resources
At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Recently Ratified by the ALAC (Since last AFRALO Monthly Meeting)
DRAFT PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets
The ALAC noted that the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets are aligned with the ICANN Strategic Plan, and are also very similar to previous years' budgets. An adjustment in the PTI budget is noticeable, including adjustments in salaries, services and other administrative cross-charges from ICANN to PTI or IANA.
However, the ALAC pointed out that even though this evolution involves a big change in the governance of the Root Server System, these changes are not reflected in the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets. The ALAC asked several exploratory questions in their response.
Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers
Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)
Public Comment Name | Public Comment Close | Status | Penholder(s) |
ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse |
TBC | ||
Please see Action Items from Single Issue Call on 03 December |
TBC | ||
Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report |
| ||
Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names |
| ||
At-Large Policy Platform | Post-ICANN66 |
4. Reports
a. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Tijani, Dave, Abdulkarim) – 5 min
b. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities (All) - 5 min
c. Outreach and Engagement (Daniel) - 2 min
d. NomCom update (Hadia) - 2 min
e. AFRALO at IGF2019 - 3 min
5. Updates/Items for discussion
a. Update on ICANN66 and AFRALO participation at ATLAS III (All) - 5 min
- GSE Africa call on key takeaways from ICANN66 (Yaovi/Seun) - 3 min
[See presentation and call recordings for English and French]
- Update on fellowship mentorship and next ICANN Fellowship round (Sarah) - 2 min
b. AFRALO Newsletter update (Remmy Kouami, Olivier Kouami, Sarah) - 5 min
c. Upcoming call on Universal Acceptance and Latin Script (Sarah/Seun) - 3 min
d. Review of AFRALO individual members rules of procedures (Seun, Tijani, Sarah) -2 min
e. FY20 RALO requests for funding to support an outreach activity (Heidi/Seun) - 3 min
6. New At-Large Structure (ALS) & individual member applications (Sarah) – 5 min
ALS applications
293 - ACSIS Cote D'Ivore
Individual membership applications
AFRALO Observer to confirm membership status. (Sarah, Evin)
7. AOB – 5 min
Consultations publiques ouvertes d' ICANN (Seun) – 5 min
At-Large Ressources Directives
ALAC 2019 - Commentaires & Suggestions politiques
Page Sommaire d'At-Largeésumé de ligne d'action At-Large
Graphique d'evolution des recommendations des multi-parties prenantes
Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:
(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and
(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.
Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.
The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.
Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others:
Commentaire public pour décision
Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers
Déclarations actuelles (conseil, commentaire ou communication d'ALAC)
Public Comment Name | Public Comment Close | Status | Penholder(s) |
ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse |
Due today | ||
Invitation to Provide Input for PDP 3.0 Implementation |
| ||
DRAFT PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets |
| ||
Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report |
Deadline extended | ||
Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names |
| ||
At-Large Policy Platform | Post-ICANN66 | ||
ISOC Sells PIR | TBD |
4. Rapports
a. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Dave, Abdulkarim) - 5 min
b. Activités récentes / à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 5 min
c. Sensibilisation et Engagement (Daniel) - 2 min
d. Mise à jour du NomCom (Hadia) - 2 min
e. AFRALO à l' IGF2019 - 3 min
5. Sujets de discussion
a. Mise à jour sur la réunion ICANN66 et sur la participation d'AFRALO à ATLAS III (All) - 5 min
- Appel de GSE Afrique sur les points à retenir de l'ICANN66 (Yaovi/Seun) - 3 min
[Voir presentation et enregistrements d'appels pour l'Anglais et Française]
- Mise à jour sur le mentorat de la bourse pour le prochain cycle de bourses de l'ICANN (Sarah) - 2 min
b. Bulletin d'information AFRALO (Remmy Nweke, Olivier Kouami, Sarah) - 5 min
c. Discussion sur l'acceptation universelle et l'écriture latine(Sarah/Seun) - 3 min
d. Examen des règles de procédure des membres individuels d'AFRALO (Seun, Tijani, Sarah) - 2 min
e. Demandes de financement de RALO pour l'exercise FY20 pour le soutien des activités de sensibilisation (Heidi/Seun) - 3 min
6. Nouvelles candidatures de Structure At-Large (ALS) et des candidatures individuelles (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) - 5min
Demandes d'ALS
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Les candidatures individuelles
AFRALO Observateur pour confirmer le statut de membre.
7. Question diverses (tous) – 5 min