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27.06.2014ICANN Draft Five-Year Strategic Plan (FY16 – FY20) 11Y, 0N, 1A

Dev Anand Teelucksingh


15.05.201418.06.2014 23:59 UTC22.06.2014 00:00 UTC22.06.2014 00:00 UTC26.06.201427.06.2014 20:00 UTC28.06.2014Denise Michel denise.michel@icann.orgAL-ALAC-ST-0614-02-00-EN

For information about this PC, please click here 

Comment / Reply Periods (*)
Comment Open Date: 
9 April 2014
Comment Close Date: 
31 May 2014 - 23:59 UTC
Important Information Links
Brief Overview
Originating Organization: 
  • Operating Plan and Budget
  • Planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategy
Purpose (Brief): 

Join us in creating ICANN's new, overarching vision and long-term strategic plan. Your input and perspectives are critical to our process. Public comment is invited on the Draft ICANN Five–Year Strategic Plan (FY16 – FY20) [PDF, 1.62 MB] through May 2014. Built on community input received throughout an extensive, public strategy conversation, the Draft Strategic Plan proposes a new Vision, reiterates ICANN's existing Mission, and describes five focus areas with Strategic Objectives and Goals. Each goal includes proposed, strategic outcomes, risks, measures and phasing over five years.ICANN is seeking general feedback, as well as input on the proposed measurable outcomes for the Focus Area Goals. Your comments will help inform the final ICANN Five–Year Strategic Plan.

Current Status: 
Next Steps: 

Input received will be carefully considered and then the ICANN Five-Year Strategic Plan (FY16 – FY20)[PDF, 1.62 MB] will be finalized for Board consideration and action.

Staff Contact: 
Denise Michel
Detailed Information
Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose: 

The Draft ICANN Five-Year Strategic Plan (FY16 – FY20) [PDF, 1.62 MB] is the result of an extensive, collaborative, bottom-up, multistakeholder process that began in April 2013 at the ICANN meeting in Beijing. Built on community input received throughout the strategy conversation, the Draft Strategic Plan includes: the Mission, which remains as reflected in the bylaws; the Vision, which has been updated from the previous draft; and the Five Focus Areas containing Strategic Objectives(listed below) and Goals, which have been streamlined and revised, factoring in public comments on the previous draft.

  1. Evolve and further internationalize and regionalize ICANN's implementation of themultistakeholder approach.
  2. Continue to support a healthy, stable and resilient unique identifier ecosystem.
  3. Advance technical and operational excellence.
  4. Clarify and establish ICANN's role in the Internet governance ecosystem.
  5. Develop and implement a global public responsibility framework.

Each of the above Strategic Objective includes Strategic Goals with the following proposed details: outcomes (key success factors); potential risks; measurements (key performance indicators); and high-level phasing of work over the course of five years (fiscal year 2016 through fiscal year). The fiscal impact of the strategies, as well as impact on the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS and the necessary risk mitigation actions will be addressed during the development of subsequent multi-year implementation, operational and budget plans.

The Draft Strategic Plan: incorporates community feedback on the previously posted "Mission, Vision and Five Strategic Focus Areas; is informed by work and input on related initiatives, such as the Security, Stability & Resiliency Framework, and the Regional Engagement Strategies; and reflects broad themes highlighted by the community (on which the Strategy Panels provided recommendations that are posted for public comment through 30 April.)

The community has been actively engaged throughout this important strategic planning process. A variety of opportunities and tools have been used by the community to share opinions, and the feedback received since Beijing has been highly valuable in informing the strategic plan. Previously, a draft "Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan" was posted for public comment 29 October 2013 – 31 January 2014, and discussed at a public session during ICANN's November 2013 Buenos Aires meeting. Comments received ranged from general endorsement of the text to suggestions of key success factors. To a great extent, this input has been incorporated in the Draft Strategic Plan. Measurable outcomes and additional details were developed for each Strategic Goal in light of the community input received.

Beginning with fiscal year 2016, the Five-Year Strategic Plan will inform the annual planning process. Additional details on how this will work will be provided when we reach this phase of planning later in 2014, but as a preview, this graphic shows at a high level the expected annual planning cycle for FY16-20. As illustrated, the Five-Year Strategic Plan will inform the multi-year planning of activities, and these activities will be defined by annual plans and budgets. The progress of work, accomplishments toward goals and effectiveness of strategies will be managed and reported through ICANN's Managements Systems, including through a set of key success factors (KSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs). These will inform an annual check of the Strategic Plan to validate that the organization is on-track, or that adjustments are needed.

Fiscal Year 2015 is transitional in that the work currently underway to develop the FY2015 Operational Plan and Budget is separate from the Five-Year Strategic Planning process, which will impact Fiscal Years 2016 - 2020. Overall, however, there is a substantial alignment between the goals expressed in the Draft Strategic Plan and the work already underway.

Section IV: Additional Information: 

Please refer to the strategic planning portal for more information. The portal contains the milestones on the path to building the Draft Strategic Plan, outlines the conversations held with the Community throughout the process, and provides links to background information and Strategy Panel work.

(*) Comments submitted after the posted Close Date/Time are not guaranteed to be considered in any final summary, analysis, reporting, or decision-making that takes place once this period lapses.



Please click here to download a copy for the pdf below.


The final draft version to be voted upon by the ALAC will be placed here before the vote is to begin.

The ALAC has reviewed the Five Year Strategic Plan and acknowledges the efforts by ICANN to incorporate the various comments from “ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan” in this document.

We note the difference in layout from previous ICANN strategic plans and suggest for easier reference, an attempt to summarise the strategic plan on one page be kept, as was done in previous strategic plans.

With the mention of suggested outcomes for each of the strategic objectives in this draft plan, we wonder if any analysis was done for previous ICANN Strategic Plans as to whether the objectives from prior Strategic Plans were achieved or not. Such an analysis posted for review before the drafting of this strategic plan would be beneficial to ICANN and the ICANN multi-stakeholder community and would demonstrate to the global public of ICANN's proposed vision " ICANN strives to be trusted by all stakeholders for its inclusive, effective and consensus-based operations."


We also note the following:


The first draft submitted will be placed here before the call for comments begins.

The ALAC has reviewed the Five Year Strategic Plan and acknowledges the efforts by ICANN to incorporate the various comments from “ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan” in this document.

We note the difference in layout from previous ICANN strategic plans and suggest for easier reference, an attempt to summarise the strategic plan on one page be kept, as was done in previous strategic plans.

With the mention of suggested outcomes for each of the strategic objectives in this draft plan, we wonder if any analysis was done for previous ICANN Strategic Plans as to whether the objectives from prior Strategic Plans were achieved or not.

However, we note the following: