ICANN Policy for Comment : http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#op-budget-fy12

Summary of AC/SO Budget Requests : http://forum.icann.org/lists/op-budget-fy2012/pdfUNwycLKGih.pdf

Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/114VVRkBq2kQKInfkgGWM3qhcXsUR6Bb17GXDhURYuyc/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CMjwrcII

Each RALO has been asked to summarize its own thoughts on the Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget.  These summaries can be found on these pages:

AFRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget

APRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget

EURALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget

LACRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget

NARALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget

ALAC Statement on the draft FY12 Operational Plan and Budget


ALAC recognizes the great improvement of the process of the operational plan and budget preparation, and highly appreciates the interaction that the staff have had with the community at all stages of that process.

 As for the substance, ALAC is glad to notice that the draft FY12 Operational plan and budget was presented with sufficient explanation and high level of details that allows for deep discussion and comments.   

 Nevertheless, ALAC wants to make the following remarks:

As far as At-Large is concerned, most of the few resources allocated do not cover the projects applied for. At-Large applied for projects, not for money: replacing (for example) funding a RALO General Assembly by 6 additional travel support slots will not allow the GA to be held.

And yet, the links with the strategic plan elements were clearly established for all the presented projects. Some of them have even been applied for last year with a clear support from all, and we were told that they will have better chance to be covered by FY12 budget.

ALAC is still asking for the integration of those projects in the FY12 budget, and, for the ones that could not be integrated, providing clear description of the reasons for their rejection or postponing. We also expect that a formal statement will be provided telling when the non-integrated projects will be funded.     

Since no support for GA was budgeted in the first year (FY11) of the mentioned period, we were looking for resources allocation for at least 2 General Assemblies for FY12, but unfortunately, none was planned in the draft budget.