[^AL-ALAC-MT-32-6-1%20Policy%20Advice%20Development%20Process%20Outline%20-%20EN.pdf] h1. At-Large Community - Paris ICANN Meeting h2. *At-Large Advisory Comittee Meeting* h3. Date: 24 June 2008 h3. Time: 13:30 - 15:00 UTC / 15:30 - 17:00 Paris Time (for the time in various timezones [click here|http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?month=6&day=24&year=2008&p1=179&p2=195&p3=176&p4=240&iv=0]) h3. Location: Rodin Room h3. Interpretation (Simultaneous): EN, FR, ES h3. Remote participation: Yes, Adobe Connect and telephonic remote participation. Details for telephonic remote participation are below the agenda items. h3. Adobe Connect Link: http://connectpro53442879.acrobat.com/atlargeparis/ (If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: [Test your connection|http://connectpro53442879.acrobat.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm] and [get a quick overview|http://www.adobe.com/go/connectpro_overview]) h3. Attendees: At-large Community members (open to public observers) *Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.32/6* ---- h4. Summary Minutes: [24 June 2008 Summary Minutes] h4. Action Items: [24 June 2008 Action Items] h4. Transcription: [English|24 June 2008 Transcription] h4. Recording: *[English|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/24-June-2008-ALAC-EN.mp3] [Español|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/24-June-2008-ALAC-ES.mp3] [Français|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/24-June-2008-ALAC-FR.mp3]* h4. Documents: http://par.icann.org/en/node/110 ---- h2. A G E N D A # Discuss the new navigation Structure of the [At-Large Website|http://www.atlarge.icann.org/] (5 mins Presentation, 10 mins discussion) # Discuss and work on [22 June 2008 OneDay Action Items]. # [Front Running] (Alan 5 mins) # Developing a best practice model for ALS <=> RALO <=> ALAC communications and policy development INCLUDING mechanisms for the development of ALAC Policy Statements # PSC (5 mins) # Presentation on new data on consumers and ICANN issues. The data is statistically representative of New York state only, but the questions cover issues such as WHOIS, what is the proportion of registrants to consumers or "users," etc., Beau Brendler, (20 mins) # [Discuss List Structure and Moderation] (Alan / Robert 10 mins) # Registrar accreditation agreement -- need for ALAC comment; translations requested (Beau, 1 minute) # Reporting to the Board Meeting (June 26) on ALAC activities {including our new GTLD statement} (10 mins) # Presentation of Board Liaison candidates ---- h2. Remote Participation Details {include: alacdocs:Remote Participation (EN)} ---- {include: alacdocs:Remote Participation (FR)} ---- {include: alacdocs:Remote Participation (ES)} *DIAL-IN NUMBERS:* USA: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193 {include: alacdocs:Dial In Numbers} |