h1. ALAC Monthly Teleconference *Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0810/1* ---- h3. Date: 14 October 2008 h3. Time: 1330-1500 UTC (For the time in various timezones [click here|http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?month=10&day14&year=2008&p1=256&p2=179=37&p4=240&iv=0]) ---- h3. Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous) h4. [atlarge:How can I participate in this meeting?] h4. [alacdocs:Comment est-ce qu'on peut participer à la téléconférence?] h4. [atlarge:¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?] *Who is on the [dial-out list for this call|dial out list 14 October]?* ---- h4. ALAC Participants: V Scartezini, C Langdon-Orr (Chair), I Aizu, P Vande Walle (left at 1428 UTC), C Aguirre, J Salgueiro (left at 1448 UTC), S Bachollet, H Diakite, F Seye Sylla (joined at 1406), A Greenberg (left 1424 UTC), R Guerra (left at 1401 UTC), B Brendler h4. Liaisons and guests: R Shearwood (left at 1431 UTC), H Xue (IDN Liaison), D Younger h4. Apologies: J Morris (ccNSO lisaison), W Ludwig (EURALO Secretariat), W Seltzer (Board Liaison) h4. Absent: M El Bashir, A Muehlberg, T Nguyen h4. Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger ---- h4. Summary Minutes: [14 October 2008 Summary Minutes] h4. Action Items: [14 October 2008 Action Items] h4. Transcription (EN): available towards the end of October h4. Recording (Stream Server): [EN|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/ALAC-14-10-2008-EN.mp3] [FR|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/ALAC-14-10-2008-FR.mp3] [ES|http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/ALAC-14-10-2008-ES.mp3] (not uploaded yet) h4. Documents (EN): # [ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report (AL.ALAC/OVR.0908/1.Rev1 EN)|https://st.icann.org/data/workspaces/alac-docs/attachments/alac_read_only_document_store:20081008094044-0-26000/files/AL-ALAC-OVR-0908-1-Rev1%20ALAC%20Overview%20Rep%20on%20ALAC%20Review%20-%20EN.pdf] # [Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report|alacdocs:Statement on WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies (AL.ALAC-ST.0908-3)] # [Request for Issues Report on Post-expiry Domain Recovery] ---- h2. A G E N D A 30 Minutes before the start of the official meeting, members of the At-Large community are invited to a discussion on the following issues: h2. Standing Agenda Items # Adoption of the Agenda – 1 min # Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min # Adoption of the [09 September 2008 Summary Minutes] # Review of the [09 September 2008 Action Items] - 8 mins # Review of [current status of ALS applications|http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pDH-2Ym3VBKcDC3mA5enWfw] (Google Docs account needed to access) - 5 mins # Liaison reports ** * IDN Report - at https://st.icann.org/idn-policy/index.cgi?liaison_monthly_report ** * Board Report - [Email from October 13th|http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac_atlarge-lists.icann.org/2008/000185.html] ** * ccNSO Report - [ccnso liaison september 2008.] also [October meeting agenda] ** * NCUC - (please place a link to your report page here) ** * SSAC - (please place a link to your report page here) ** [GNSO Liaison report - 01-10-2008] # Issues to be raised at the ICANN Board Meeting # Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements (see Decision Items below) h2. Items for Decision at This Meeting # [Recovery of Expired Domain Names] - The request of an Issues Report on the ability of registrants to retrieve domains after expiration. # [ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report (AL.ALAC/OVR.0908/1.Rev1 EN)|https://st.icann.org/data/workspaces/alac-docs/attachments/alac_read_only_document_store:20081008094044-0-26000/files/AL-ALAC-OVR-0908-1-Rev1%20ALAC%20Overview%20Rep%20on%20ALAC%20Review%20-%20EN.pdf]: The online vote did not result in a quorate result. [Click here|https://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=kbVvjKr9pu6kX6I5WHe4] to review the results of the vote. # [Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report|alacdocs:Statement on WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies (AL.ALAC-ST.0908-3)]. ## See [this URL|https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?action=revision_compare&page_name=statement_on_whois_hypothesis_working_group_studies_al_alac_st_0908_3&mode=source&new_revision_id=20081014101209&old_revision_id=20081008095621&Button=Compare+Revisions] to review amendments between the original text and the final draft. h2. Items for Discussion Only # OneDay workshop in Cairo [draft Agenda|02 November 2008] is up what prep work can be done before this (e.g. Job descriptions for ALAC Roles; WG Reports etc.,) # As we encourage greater interaction between the ALAC and RALO activities can we / should we have reports from the RALO's uploaded to future Agenda's (post Cairo) h2. Any Other Business # ALAC representative to the dotMobi Policy Advisory Board for 2009. ALAC has one seat on the Advisory Board; John Levine is the current 2008 representative. The new PAB term commences on 1 December 2008. (reference documents have been uploaded) # Planning our response *(Pre-Cairo* to the “Initial Thinking” Report of the Board Governance Committee ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements. {expected to be published in the week beginning 13th Oct.} ---- h3. Reference Materials for Review dotMobi documentation sent as background etc., is uploaded to this page ---- ---- Why aren't the NCUC and SSAC liaison reports posted? _contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-10-14 12:22:10 GMT_ |