This element of the DDP is designed to provide direct one-on-one assistance to the stakeholder group in their research, development and drafting of documents within the ICANN process. Each participating stakeholder group is matched with a single research writer to assist with the drafting process. Each community is given the flexibility to utilize this drafting resource in the manner which best maximizes the benefit to the community. The research writer will provide the stakeholder group with up to 100 hours of service within the pilot program.
Phase IInformational Updates: The first phase of the pilot project (Individual Community Assistance) concluded on 30 January 2017. For an assessment of this part please see the report below.
This program was mentioned in a number of Public Comments regarding FY18 Operating Plan and Budget. Those comments can be accessed from the links below: Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers Constituency (ISPCP) Comment Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) Comment Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) Comment
Phase IIInformational Updates: The first phase of the pilot project (Individual Community Assistance) concluded on 31 January 2018. For an assessment of this part please see the report below.