Team: Jordyn Buchanan, Carlos Gutierrez, Jamie Hedlund, Waudo Siganga, Drew Bagley, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Carlton Samuels, Kaili Kan
Observers: /
ICANN Org: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Alice Jansen
Apologies: Megan Richards, Gao Mosweu, Dejan Dukic, Karen Lentz
•Welcome, roll-call, SoI
•Substitution Analysis Paper: Jonathan
•Consolidated Recommendations 11, 13, 15, 33: Jordyn
•Recommendation 14: Jordyn
•Recommendation C: Drew
•Confirm Decisions Reached and Action Items
Decisions Reached:
Action Items:
Substitution analysis:
- remove "are" in "these new strings are represent competition"
- replace word "cannibalizing"
- Complement (vs compliment)
Consolidated Recommendation:
Find and update other sections of the report referring to the registrant survey
Recommendation 13,14:
Add language about removing disincentives in addition to creating incentives