RESCHEDULED FROM 30 August to 6 September

Please find the meeting information below for the CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 06 September 2018 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes. 

08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 17:00 Paris CEST, 20:00 Karachi PKT, (Friday) 00:00 Tokyo JST, (Friday) 01:00 Melbourne AEST

For other times:


  1. Roll Call
  2. Welcome & DOI/SOI Updates
  3. Review of survey responses
    1. Responses received (see xls attached)
    2. Support for eliminating one or more mechanisms from detailed consideration in the Initial Report?
  4. Confirm remaining steps & proposed timeline
  5. Discuss approach for reviewing Initial Report
  6. Confirm next meeting (Thursday 13 September at 15.00 UTC)


CCWG - Survey on Mechanisms - upd 4 September 2018


AC Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Attencdance & AC Chat

Apologies: John Levine, Nadira Alaraj

Notes/ Action Items