The next CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call will be held on Thursday, 16 November 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London GMT, 15:00 Paris CET

For other times:



  1. Roll Call
  2. Welcome / DOI – SOI Updates
  3. Completing stage 2:
    1. Review of updated examples document (see attached)
    2. Open and Interoperable Internet description (DT expected to circulate latest version prior to meeting)
    3. Discuss next steps
  4. Stage 3 – review and refine questions for experts (see document attached)
  5. Review and discuss updated work plan (see attached)
  6. Confirm next steps and time/date for next meeting (Thursday 30 November at 14.00 UTC)



Work plan and approach for dealing with charter questions - upd 13 November 2017.pdf

Review of examples - Proposed conclusion - 13 November 2017.pdf

Criteria and mechanisms analysis - 13 November 2017.pdf


Adobe Connect Recording

AC Chat



Apologies: Olga Cavalli, Dietmar Stefitz, Stephanie Perrin, Sebastien Bachollet, Marc Gauw, Pablo Rodriguez, Seun Ojedeji (tentative), Tony Harris, Marika Konings (staff)

Notes/ Action Items