There will be a GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 06:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

(Tuesday) 22:00 PST, (Wednesday) 01:00 EST, 07:00 Paris CET, 11:00 Karachi PKT, 15:00 Tokyo JST, 17:00 Melbourne AEDT

For other times:  


1. Roll Call/SOI Updates

2. Address suggestions discussed on mailing list

3. Complete deliberation on DN Certification

   a. Resolution of this week's poll results on DN Certification as a purpose

   b. Deliberate on data needs associated with DN Certification

4. Start deliberation on DN Purchase/Sale as a purpose and associated data needs  

5. Confirm agreements for polling & next steps

6. Confirm next meeting: Tuesday 27 February at 17:00 UTC 


Call Handout: Handout-21February-RDSWGCall.pdf (to be posted prior to call)

13 February Call poll (closed COB Saturday 17 February)


AC Recording


Attendance and AC Chat

Dial out:

Apologies: Rubens Kuhl, Kal Feher, Michael Hammer (tentative), Greg Aaron, Michele Neylon, Steven Metalitz, Fabricio Vayra, Erica Varlese , Lisa Phifer (staff),


Notes/ Action Items