The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 13 June at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times:


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates

2) Complete deliberation on Data Elements for "thin data" only

    1. Replacement term for "thin data"
    2. Review poll results - see AnnotatedResults-Poll-from-6JuneCall.pdf
    3. Purposes for "thin data" - see RDSPDP-Handout-For13JuneCall.pdf

 3) Action item proposal from Rod Rasmussen and Vaibhav Aggarwal

 4) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

 5) Confirm next meeting date: 21 June 2017 at 5:00 UTC

Adobe Connect Recording
AC Chat
Apologies: Holly Raiche, Michele Neylon, Jonathan Matkowsky 

Meeting Notes

1) Roll Call/SOI Updates

2) Complete deliberation on Data Elements for "thin data" only

a) Replacement term for "thin data"

WG Agreement: "Minimum Public Data Set" to be used as a replacement term (within WG Agreements to date) for what had previously been referred to as "thin data"

b) Review poll results - see AnnotatedResults-Poll-from-6JuneCall.pdf

WG Agreement: The DNSSEC data element should be added to the "Minimum Public Data Set"

Action Item: Staff to circulate the list of data elements specified in 2013 RAA, highlighting non-contact information that is currently publicly published in the "thin" WHOIS for many domain names, to the WG mailing list

WG Agreement: Today's gTLD WHOIS registration data elements classified as "thin" are sufficient at this time, to be referred to within WG Agreements hereafter as the "Minimum Public Data Set"

Action Item: Staff to add above-noted WG agreements to working document and also update all WG Agreements to date to refer to "Minimum Public Data Set" instead of "Thin Data"

c) Purposes for "thin data" - see RDSPDP-Handout-For13JuneCall.pdf 

Action Item: Staff to draft a poll question asking if WG members disagree with the purpose(s) and rationale given for each data element in the "Minimum Public Data Set" (each row in the table beginning on slide 3 of the 6 June handout), and provide rationale if they do not agree with or wish to revise purposes, rationale for collection, and/or rationale for publication

3) Action item proposal from Rod Rasmussen and Vaibhav Aggarwal

Action Item (carried over): Rod Rasmussen and Vaibhav Aggarwal to complete action assigned during 17 May call and distribute in advance of next WG call

4) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

 5) Confirm next meeting date: 21 June 2017 at 5:00 UTC

Meeting Materials

6 June Call Poll Results (closes at COB Saturday 10 June)