The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Wednesday, 17 May at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes

22:00 PDT (Tuesday), 01:00 EDT, 06:00 London, 07:00 CET 

For other times:


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates

2) Brief updates

a) Newcomer tutorial plans:

b) ICANN59 meeting plans:

3) Review proposed-final definition(s) to replace "authoritative" in Statement of Purpose, Item 2):

4) Continue deliberation on the charter question 5: What steps should be taken to control "thin data" access?

a) Is "thin data" access authentication required or allowed?

b) Is "thin data" access anonymity required or allowed?

c) Define "anonymous" and "authentication"

d) Should policies allow or prevent application of operational controls?

e) Review all of charter question 5 sub-questions with goal to complete first pass deliberation on "thin data" access in May

5) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

6) Confirm next meeting date: 23 May 2017 at 16:00 UTC

Adobe Connect Recording
AC Chat
Dial out: Olevie Kouami 
Apologies: Holly Raiche, Greg Aaron, Steven Metalitz, Andrew Sullivan, Scott Hollenbeck, Susan Prosser (tentative), Marika Konings (staff)

Notes RDS PDP WG Meeting 



Meeting Materials