The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 11 April at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times:


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates
2) Updates on in-progress tasks
   a) ICANN58-Privacy-Panel-Responses-Draft-7April2017.docx
   b) ccTLD questions
   c) Definition of authoritative
   d) Meeting request for ICANN59 
3) Start deliberation on the charter question/subquestion 3.1 (rephrased):
   What are the purpose(s) of each existing gTLD thin registration data element?
   Do they sufficiently meet the needs of purposes identified as legitimate? 
   See Merged-ThinDataPurposes-v1.pdf
4) Confirm action items and proposed decision points
5) Confirm next meeting date: 18 April, 2017 at 05:00 UTC


Adobe Connect Recording
AC Chat
Apologies: Holly Raiche, Olévié Kouami, Sam Lanfranco, Steve Metalitz, Bastiaan Goslings, Geoffrey Noakes, Juan Manuel Rojas, Victoria Sheckler,  Marika Konings (staff)

Notes RDS PDP WG Meeting

1. Roll Call/SOI Updates:

2. Updates on in-progress tasks:

a. Response from privacy experts who participated in the ICANN58 privacy summit to questions from the working group:

Action #1: WG members to review answers from privacy experts participating in ICANN58 summit in preparation for next week's WG call

b. ccTLD Questions:

c. Definition of "Authoritative"

d.  Meeting request for ICANN59

Action #2: Staff to submit request for ICANN59 cross-community session

3) Start deliberation on the charter question/subquestion 3.1 (rephrased):

What are the purpose(s) of each existing gTLD thin registration data element? Do they sufficiently meet the needs of purposes identified as legitimate?

Domain Name

Proposed WG Agreement: The domain name will be necessary for every legitimate purpose.

Registrar Name and IANA ID

Comments about purposes listed

Action #3:  WG members to participate in this week's poll, which will include input of a couple of privacy expert question answers as well as one proposed agreement

4) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

Proposed WG Agreement: The domain name will be necessary for every legitimate purpose.

5) Confirm next meeting date: 18 April, 2017 at 05:00 UTC

