The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 28 March at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times: 


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates/WG Expected Standards of Behavior

2) Review 15 March Poll on Purpose results:
See SummaryResults-Poll-on-Purpose-from-15MarchCall.pdf 

3) Form a subgroup to draft questions for ccTLDs

4) Work plan & target for this WG’s first initial draft report

5) Request feedback on creating a separate “priority messages” list

6) Andrew Sullivan's proposed approach to define purposes for each data element:
See Sullivan-SuggestionForPurposeInDetail.pdf

7) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

8) Confirm next meeting date: 4 April, 2017 at 16:00 UTC

Adobe Connect Recording
AC Chat
Apologies: Andrew Sullivan, Scott Hollenbeck, Michele Neylon, Holly Raiche, Steve Metalitz (may join late), Benny Samuelsen, Mark Svancarek , Daniel K. Nanghaka, Jim Galvin, Alex Deacon

Notes RDS PDP WG Meeting - 28 March 2017:

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.

1. Roll Call / SOI / WG Expected Standards of Behavior

2) Review 15 March Poll on Purpose results:

Q2: 68% agreed to rewording "1) A purpose of gTLD registration data is to provide information about the lifecycle of a domain name and its resolution on the Internet."

Proposed Agreements (to be confirmed by polling):
"1) A purpose of gTLD registration data is to provide information about the lifecycle of a domain name."
"N) A purpose of gTLD registration data is to provide information useful in trouble-shooting problems in resolution of a domain name on the Internet."

Q3: 84% agreed to rewording "2) A purpose of RDS is to facilitate dissemination of authoritatively-sourced gTLD registration data, such as domain names and their domain contacts and name servers, in accordance with applicable policy."

Proposed Agreement (3 alternatives, to be determined by polling): 
Poll on three versions of specific purpose 2): with "authoritatively sourced" in brackets, without brackets, and without "authoritatively sourced"

Action: WG members invited to propose a definition of "authoritative" to the WG list to assist in reaching closure on this purpose. (See above notes for suggested starting points.)

Q3: 71% agreed to rewording "5) A purpose of RDS policy is to facilitate fulfilling requirements for the accuracy of gTLD registration data."

Proposed Agreement (to be confirmed by polling):
Existing text (not revised text in Q3) with a footnote: "Accuracy" as it pertains to the RDS will be defined later in this PDP (see Charter question on Accuracy).

3) Form a subgroup to draft questions for ccTLDs

Action: Volunteers Vicky Sheckler, Alex Deacon, Theo Geurts, Nathalie Coupet, Stephanie Perrin to work with Susan Kawaguchi (leadership team coordinator) to draft questions for ccTLDs as described above, for review by full WG.

4) Work plan & target for this WG’s first initial draft report

Action: Staff to add thin/thick distinction to work plan to serve as clear indication of tasks to be completed prior to first initial report:

5) Request feedback on creating a separate “priority messages” list

Action: Staff to distribute email summarizing these steps to the WG.

6) Andrew Sullivan's proposed approach to define purposes for each data element:

7) Confirm action items and proposed decision points


8) Confirm next meeting date: 4 April, 2017 at 16:00 UTC

