The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 April at 15:30 UTC for 2 hours 15 minutes. 

08:30 PDT, 11:30 EDT, 16:30 London, 17:30 CEST

For other times:




Note that this will be scheduled as one call (same dial in number and AC room) to facilitate participation for those that are involved in multiple sub-teams, but there is no obligation for WG members to attend all three sub-team meetings, unless you would like to. However, if you are not a member of a sub-team but would like to join, you are encouraged to participate as an observer to allow ample opportunity for the sub-team to progress in its work. 



AC Chat


Apologies: Tjabbe Bos, Holly Raiche, Benny Samuelson,  Iliya Bazlyankov

Joining Late: Sara Bockey

On audio only:

Reference Documents