The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group meeting will take place at ICANN59 in Johannesburg on Wednesday, 28 June at 08:30 local time

For other times: 


Primary Objective: Maximize use of F2F time to start deliberation beyond "min public data set" (MPDS)

1. Introductions and SOI Updates (08:30-08:35)

2. Background (08:35-08:45)

a) Brief overview of WG charter and work plan
b) WG rules and expectations of PDP WG members

3. Brief updates on: legal analysis, ccTLD responses (08:45-09:00)

4. Cross-Community Session results (09:00-09:30)

a) Plan to consolidate/review/reflect feedback
b) Plan to finish deliberation on "min public data set" (MPDS)

5. Start deliberation beyond "minimum public data set" (09:30-12:00, including break)

a) gTLD registration data element buckets (MPDS)

b) Choose most effective starting point for Tasks 12/cd

c) Deliberate on chosen charter question for chosen data "bucket" 

6. Confirm action items, proposed agreements, and next meeting date

Abstract and links to all session recordings

Adobe Connect 

English Audio 

AC Chat

Transcript part 1 (before break) and part 2 (after break)

Notes - RDS PDP WG F2F Meeting at ICANN59

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.

1. Introductions and SOI Updates

2. Background

a) Brief overview of WG charter and work plan

b) WG rules and expectations of PDP WG members

3. Brief updates on: legal analysis and ccTLD responses 

4. Cross-Community Session results

a) Plan to consolidate/review/reflect feedback
b) Plan to finish deliberation on "minimum public data set" (MPDS)


Action: Staff to document cross-community feedback for WG consideration during second pass on fundamental charter questions. For links to session recordings, scribe feed, and notes from the cross-community session, visit this link:

5. Start deliberation beyond "minimum public data set"

a) gTLD registration data element buckets

b) Choose most effective starting point for Tasks 12/cd


c) Deliberate on chosen charter question for chosen data "bucket" --

Action: Staff to distribute an expanded version of the data elements table reviewed during this F2F session (Data Elements Handout.pdf) to include a description of each new data element and further information about each element, extracted from the EWG Final Report, for WG member review in preparation for participating in this week’s poll and our next meeting.

Action: Leadership team to draft poll to gather WG member rationale for or against each data element, to inform on-list discussion and continued deliberation in our next meeting. Staff to implement this poll on data elements as directed by the leadership team. All WG members are encouraged to respond to the poll no later than 15 July COB.

6. Confirm action items, proposed agreements, and next meeting date

UPDATED: The next RDS PDP WG meeting has been rescheduled to 18 July at 16.00 UTC.

This date change was made after the F2F session concluded. Upon reviewing the action items listed below, WG leadership concluded that time allocated for the 11 July meeting would be better spent by each WG member individually reviewing the listed data elements and then providing rationale for or against each data element in response to this week’s longer-than-usual poll. Rationale gathered through this poll will then be used to inform data element deliberation on-list and during the 18 July meeting.

Action: Staff to document cross-community feedback for WG consideration during second pass on fundamental charter questions. For links to session recordings, scribe feed, and notes from the cross-community session, visit:

Action: Staff to distribute an expanded version of the data elements table reviewed during this F2F session (see meeting materials below) to include a description of each new data element and further information about each element, extracted from the EWG Final Report, for WG member review in preparation for participating in this week’s poll and our next meeting.

Action: Leadership team to draft poll to gather WG member rationale for or against each data element, to inform on-list discussion and continued deliberation in our next meeting. Staff to implement this poll on data elements as directed by the leadership team. All WG members are encouraged to respond to the poll no later than 15 July COB.

Meeting Materials

28 June Call Poll