The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes  

09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 



1. Roll call / SOI

2. Review poll results (link below): Question 8 - Publication of "raw data" for WG polls

   a. Overview of poll conclusions & "raw data" options from Survey Monkey

   b. Attempt to reach WG consensus on "raw data" for future WG polls

3. Review poll results (link below): Questions 1-7 - Purposes for "thin data" collection

   a. Review of poll conclusions & comments/clarifications

   b. Add results to "Key Concepts Deliberation Working Draft" Section 2.2.2 (link below)

4. Continue deliberation with Users/Purposes Charter Question 2.2 for thin data collection only:

   2.2.1 For what specific (legitimate?) purposes should gTLD registration thin data elements be collected?

   See handout: 18JanMeeting-PurposesForThinData-Handout.pdf (link below)

5. Confirm action items and proposed decision points.

6. Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday 31 January 2017 at 17.00 UTC


Apologies: Stephanie Perrin (tentative), Sam Lanfranco, Alex Deacon, Vlad Dinculescu, Susan Prosser, Benny Samuelsen, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, Maxim Alzoba, Beth Allegretti

Dial outs: Daniel Nanghaka, Holly Raiche, 


AC Chat



1. Roll call / SOI

2. Review poll results: Question 8 - Publication of "raw data" for WG polls

a. Overview of poll conclusions & "raw data" options from Survey Monkey

Action: Staff to request that Stephanie provide explanation of problem to be solved to the WG list to resolve this request.

b. Attempt to reach WG consensus on "raw data" for future WG polls

3. Review poll results: Questions 1-7 - Purposes for "thin data" collection

a. Review of poll conclusions & comments/clarifications

    Q1 - Domain Name Certification

     Q2 - Business Domain Name Purchase or Sale

    Q3 - Academic/Public Interest DNS Research

    Q4 - Regulatory and Contractual Enforcement

    Q5 - Criminal Investigation & DNS Abuse Mitigation

    Q6 - Legal Actions

    Q7 - Individual Internet Use

b. Add results to "Key Concepts Deliberation Working Draft" Section 2.2.2

Action: Staff to update Section 2.2.2 conclusions reached by this the 18 January poll (listed above)

4. After completing deliberation on Users/Purposes Charter Question 2.2 for thin data collection only:

     2.2.1 For what specific (legitimate?) purposes should gTLD registration thin data elements be collected?

    We will then proceed to deliberating on Data Elements Charter Question 3.1 for thin data only:

     3.3.1 Do existing gTLD registration "thin data" elements sufficiently meet the needs of purposes identified as permissible for collection of "thin data" elements?

    See handouts: 18JanMeeting-PurposesForThinData-Handout.pdf and 24JanMeeting-ThinDataElementCollection-Handout.pdf

5. Confirm action items and proposed decision points.

Action: Staff to request that Stephanie provide explanation of problem to be solved to the WG list to resolve this request. WG members to respond with any concerns/questions.

Action: Staff to update Section 2.2.2 conclusions reached by this the 18 January poll (listed above)

WG Agreements - see above list

6. Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday 31 January 2017 at 17.00 UTC

Meeting materials: