The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, 24 February at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

21:00 PST (Tuesday), 00:00 EST, 05:00 London, 06:00 CET

For other times:

Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Wednesday 24 February 05:00 UTC

  1. Roll call / SOIs
  2. Review of WG membership & expertise update
  3. Review and discuss draft work plan approach (see attached)
  4. Discuss proposed outreach to SO/AC/SG/Cs to solicit early input
  5. ICANN meeting in Marrakech F2F meeting (see
  6. Confirm next steps and next meeting: 1 March at 16.00 UTC 



AC Chat


Apologies: Wendy Seltzer, Holly Raiche, Jennifer Standiford, Stefania Milan, Carlton Samuels, Andrew Sullivan, Steve Metalitz, Christopher Hagstrom , Liz Williams (tentative), Scott Hollenbeck, Alan Greenberg, Iliya Bazlyankov, Greg Aaron, Wanawit Ahkuputra, Ayden FérdelineFarell Folly, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Don Blumenthal


On audio only: none

Notes/Action items 24 February 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting

Please find below the notes and action items of today’s meeting. I would like to draw special attention to the following action items and deadlines associated with these:

Please share any input or questions you may have with the mailing list.


1. Roll call/ SOI

Action item #1: Please complete / update your Statement of Interest if you have not done so yet. 


2. Review of WG membership & expertise update

Action item #1: All to review categories identified and provide feedback within 24 hours


Action item #2: staff to develop survey on the basis of the categories identified and request WG members to participate


Action item #3: small team to review feedback received to the survey and identify whether additional outreach is needed based on the survey results. 


3. Review and discuss draft work plan approach

Action item #4: All to review work plan approach as has been circulated with the agenda and provide any comments / questions on the mailing list within 48 hours. 


Action item #5: Leadership team to send out first draft of work plan by the end of this week.


4. Discuss proposed outreach to SO/AC/SG/Cs to solicit early input

Action item #6: Leadership team to develop draft outreach message for WG review.


5. ICANN meeting in Marrakech F2F meeting

6. Confirm next steps and next meeting

Reference documents:

RDS PDP WG Leadership Team Recommended Work Plan Approach 23 February 2016