The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 9 February at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET
For other times:
1. Roll call / SOI
2. PDP WG Leadership Team
3. Review of WG Membership – need for additional outreach?
4. RDS Beginner Tutorial – feedback, questions?
5. Outreach to GNSO SG/Cs & ICANN SO/ACs to request early input to help inform the WG deliberations
6. Development of Mind Map to help inform the creation of the work plan (if time allows)
7. Confirm next steps & next meeting
Apologies: Jennifer Standiford, Peter Green, Maryan Rizinski, Grace Mutung'u
On audio only: Stuart Clark, Jennifer Taylor-Hodges, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts
Notes/ action items:
Roll call/ SOI
Action item #1: Please complete / update your Statement of Interest if you have not done so yet.
PDP WG Leadership Team:
Action Item #2: Allow 24 hours for objections to be raised on email list, both on Chuck as Chair and on confirming the 4 leading candidates as the WG’s leadership team.
Action Item #3: The confirmed leadership team to meet to self-organize and bring results back to WG. Staff to send Doodle polls for leadership team’s organization discussion and prep call for next week’s WG call.
Review of WG Membership:
Action Item #4: Form a small team (including those who volunteered for leadership) to review the ICANN community participation and expertise currently present in the WG and recommend where additional outreach may be needed.
RDS Beginner Tutorial:
Action Item #5: All WG members to review available tutorial materials and identify any additional needs
Outreach to GNSO SG/Cs & ICANN SO/ACs to request early input to help inform the WG deliberations:
Action Item #6: Volunteers from leadership team to consider next steps for SG/C and SO/AC outreach at an early stage to provide additional input to inform WG's deliberations
Development of Mind Map to help inform the creation of the work plan (if time allows):
Action Item #7: Staff to distribute first draft Mind Map via email and on WG wiki, in PDF and MMAP formats:
Action Item #8: Leadership team to start developing Work Plan, informed by this Mind Map
Confirm next steps & next meeting:
Reference documents:
RDS PDP Phase 1 Mind Map (PDF)
RDS PDP Phase 1 Mind Map (MMAP)