Ariel Liang to move the Board Member Compensation up to the open PC section of the PD page and Alan to post the first draft on the wiki.
Heidi Ullrich to send a reminder to At-Large mailing lists to solicit volunteers for the IANA issues WG and IANA Stewardship Steering Committee SC.
Nathalie Peregrine to follow up with Murray McKercher about dotMOBI Liasion Report.
The formation of an Ad-Hoc At-Large Curation WG to be placed under "Items for Decision" on the May 2014 ALAC Call.
Staff to add the item of the ALS de-certification to the May 2014 ALAC meeting and set up votes before the ATLAS II in June to officially decertify the ALSes concerned.
ALAC to create an At-Large Ad-Hoc Taskforce or Working Group at the upcoming ALAC call to organize the selection of two ALAC reps to the Transition of NTIA’s Stewardship of the IANA Functions (details below):
The current PC on NTIA closing 7 May 2014
The creation of the Steering Committee on NTIA
This needs a selection process of 2 people from At-Large.
Suggestion is to have a selection committee created, like the one that selected a shortlist of people for ATRT2
The involvement of the ALAC in an SO/AC CCWG on IANA which is likely to be created by GNSO & ccNSO inviting other SO/ACs to become part of the CCWG
Staff to monitor the use of additional languages over the course of a few months, as ALAC, APRALO, and LACRALO calls will be offered additional language interpretation by the Language Services.
Unlicensed user to follow up with Speaker Bureau on the ability to address /select people from local communities.
Staff to investigate with Webadmin if and when we can move the ATLAS II website off Unlicensed user's server.
Each one of the ATLAS II Group chairs to provide ATLAS II OC chairs (Unlicensed user & Unlicensed user) with a specific piece of reporting which should be 300-500 words summary with a focus on metrics, measures, attendance and engagement counts, reportable outcomes..etc..
Consensus call: Discussions on ICANN Accountability to take place within the Future challenges WG. PASSED with no objections.
Unlicensed user & Unlicensed user to follow up on the pending ALSes de-certifications.
Unlicensed user to make sure to add ATLAS II ROI follow-up work into the ALAC monthly calls standing action items.
Unlicensed user to organize a meeting of the capacity building WG during the second half of August.
Unlicensed user & Staff to work together to explain the different status of the Academy WGs (i.e., At-Large Academy WG and the Expanded Academy WG) & make a proposal for next ALAC call.