At-Large Board Director Candidates Call

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.ABSC/0314/01

The At-Large Director Candidate-Community Forum includes questions from RALOs and individuals and answers from the candidates

Date: Thursday, 06 March 2014

Time:  2100 to 2300 UTC (120 minutes)

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:

Meeting Description:
An At-Large call in which the Candidates for the position of voting Board Director selected by the At-Large community. This call will provide an opportunity for the At-Large Board Director candidates to present themselves to the At-Large community, debate the key issues facing the At-Large community, and answer questions raised by At-Large community members.

Interpretation Available: YES: French and Spanish

How can I participate in this meeting?

Board Director Candidates: Sébastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Evan Leibovitch, Jean-Jacques Subrenat


Apologies: Holly Raiche

Dial outs: Fatima Cambronero (ES), OCL


Recording: English, French, Spanish

Transcript: EN, FR, ES

Documents (EN):

Reference Material:




  1. Opening and introduction by the moderator - 03 min


  1. Presentation by the candidates - 25 min                       


  1. Questions & Answers - 90 min                          


Closing - 02 min

