At-Large Capacity Building Working Group

Date: Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Time: 21:00 - 22:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.CB/WG.1213/1


How do I participate in this meeting?        

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:

Teleconference ID: 1638

Action Items:  EN      

Recording: EN

Transcript:  EN

AC Chat Transcript:  EN     


Apologies: Siranush Vardanyan, Maureen Hilyard

Dial-out: Fatima Cambronero

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Carlos Reyes, Gisella Gruber

Call management: Gisella Gruber

AGENDA - to be updated


  1. Adoption of the Agenda (3 min)

  2. Roll call (2 min)

  3. Areas where the ALSes need capacity building prior to the London Summit: (30 min)

    1. from the survey result ATLAS II Survey Results and Analysis
    2. from the current hot topics in ICANN
  4. Implementation of the pre-summit capacity building program (5 min)

  5. Adoption of a timeline (15 min)
  6. Any Other Business (5 min)