Meeting Number: AL.MTC/MT.1113/1
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Participants :
Dial out: CLO
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Nathalie Peregrine
All WG Members requested to review previous meeting on October 17th. Recording of previous meeting can be found here. Other pages of records on this meeting page require updating and NO transcript is currently available (Staff to update us on progress of this at start of meeting)
1. Welcome & Attendance (3 min - CLO/Staff)
2. Review of the last meeting outcomes and Action items of the 17th October (10-20 min - WG/Staff)
Open AIs: (to be completed from the meeting)
Action Items At-Large Metrics Working group 17th October 2013
3. Update from Work-teams (7-10 min - WT Leads)
Maureen Hilyard, ~~ I tried to include a comment on the Metrics workspace but although I couldn’t get the editor to load I was able to create a new page. I wanted to put something forward for discussion and feedback and have used the ALS model which someone very kindly set up on the “ALS Metrics Should do” page. I also based it on the new ALAC ROPS Section 9. I would like some feedback on whether it is appropriate to propose it to the RALO Secretariat. Despite leaving messages on their workspace and asking for some feedback, I have had nothing. Their last week’s meeting was cancelled. I’m wondering if perhaps they would prefer something to pick on in order to get a reaction.. and I’m quite happy to propose something that will hopefully at least get them talking. Anyway for those who would like to check out what I’ve been working on. Its on:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh, ~~ Notes (brief and any links) to follow
Tijani Ben Jemaa ~~ Please find on the wiki page a first draft of the Metric Expectations and requirements for ALAC members.
4. Discussion: this meeting we will continue a focus on a fairly general conversation on the 'next level' of Metrics, Measurables and any Expectations that the At-Large Community has, could or should hold as well as 'on who' and 'at what section of our ALAC / At-Large community structures they should apply. (20-30 min - OCL/CLO/WG) Note some feedback has been collected in Wiki pages.
5. AOB and review of AI's (3 min - CLO/Staff)
6. Next Meeting BA Review (3 min - CLO/Staff)
ALAC Metrics Sub-Committee Meeting Buenos Aires
Date: Sunday, 17 November 2013
Time: 08:00 - 09:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.MTC/MT.1113/2
7. References
ALAC (new) Rules of Procedure 2013
ALS Metrics Should Do Activities