Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT. 0713/1
New gTLDs: Addressing Consumer and Public Interest Concerns
ICANN’s new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) Program will dramatically expand the Top Level Domain Space. The program carries benefits for end users and registrants in terms of increasing choice and competition, but it also raises a range of consumer and public interest concerns. These concerns include consumer safety and trust, multilingual access to gTLDs via internationalized scripts, rights issues related to the protection of trademarks, non-registered marks and geographic names, as well as barriers to program participation for stakeholders in the developing world. The At-Large Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable will highlight these issues and explore the adequacy of policies and mechanisms meant to address them.
Discussion Questions:
Lead Discussants
Consumer Perspective – Holly Raiche (Chair, At-Large Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Working Group & Board Member, Australian Communications Consumers Action Network)
Consumer Trust, Choice and Competition Perspective – Steve DelBianco (Executive Director, NetChoice & Vice-Chair for Policy Coordination, ICANN Business Constituency)
Public Interest and Government Perspective – Peter Nettlefold (Vice Chair, ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee & GAC Lead on New gTLDs)
Business Users Perspective – Zahid Jamil (Executive Committee Member, ICANN Business Constituency & Member, GNSO Council)
Intellectual Property Rights & IDN Perspective– Hong Xue (Director, Institute for Internet Policy and Law, Beijing Normal University & Member, ccNSO Council)
Closed Generics Perspective - Evan Leibovitch (President, ISOC Canada & Vice-Chair, At-Large Advisory Committee)
Community - Indigenous Groups’ Perspective - Karaitiana Taiuru (Chair, New Zealand Maori Internet Society) – via remote participation
Community - Geographic Names Perspective - Olga Cavalli (Representative of Argentina to the Governmental Advisory Committee & Director, South School on Internet Governance)
Developing Country Perspective - Tijani Ben Jemaa (Executive Committee Member, At-Large Advisory Committee & Vice-Chair, African Regional At-Large Organization)
ICANN Compliance Perspective - Maguy Serad (Vice-President, Contractual Compliance Services, ICANN)
Participation: This roundtable is open. Members of the following ICANN community are especially invited to attend - ICANN At-Large community, ICANN Advisory Committees, ICANN Supporting Organizations, ICANN Board and ICANN Staff.