Current Liaisons 

The ALAC Liaison positions, and those currently occupying them, are listed below.

Selection Schedule (Proposed)

Excerpts from the ALAC Rules of Procedure (ROP) relating to Liaisons of the ALAC*

Qualification Criteria

Privileges of Liaisons 

* NOTE:  Except for the ALAC liaisons to the GNSO and ccNSO, there is no assured travel funding for ALAC Liaisons to attend ICANN Meetings unless they are serving ALAC members. Therefore, assurances that they can still perform their role will be required.

Selection Procedures

Where only one nomination is received for the all ALAC Liaison positions, the nominee will be confirmed in that role on October 19th. The exception is if another candidate other than the current SSAC liaison is nominated. If this is the case, the SSAC selection procedures noted below will be followed.

If elections are required, the elections for ALAC Liaisons to IDN Policy, GNSO, ccNSO, NCUC, SSAC and WHOIS will be conducted through a single, global election process. The ALAC will vote on the list of candidates using the Instant Runoff Voting system, as provided in Rule 10.4 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure. This means they will rank each candidate, from most preferred to least preferred, using the electronic voting system regularly used for ALAC voting.

ALAC Liaison to the SSAC Selection Procedure

The SSAC Membership Committee may consider candidates at any time during the year.  The procedure is as follows:

  1. A candidate's name is forwarded to Julie Hedlund, Staff support for the SSAC, who will follow up with the candidate to obtain a bio/CV and statement of interest.
  2. An interview will be scheduled between the candidate and the SSAC Membership Committee at the Committee's next available meeting.  The Committee meets bi-weekly, but other candidates may be scheduled for discussion at a meeting so the timing depends on the meeting's agenda. 
  3. The SSAC Membership Committee conducts the interview, completes the evaluation process of the candidate, and informs the full SSAC of its recommendation.  
    1. This could take some time depending on whether multiple candidates are being considered at the same time.
  4. The SSAC decides whether to accept the candidate.  If accepted, the candidate can immediately begin to participate as an invited guest of the Committee until the ICANN Board makes its formal appointment -- generally to occur at an ICANN meeting, but could occur at the next meeting at which the Board is voting on resolutions.

Please note: With the Exception of the ALAC liaisons to the GNSO and the ccNSO, there is no assured travel funding for ALAC Liaisons to attend ICANN Meetings unless they are serving ALAC members. Therefore, assurances that they can still perform their role will be required.


Current Nominations*

The following individuals have been nominated for the position of ALAC Liaisons.

(N) indicates the individual who nominated the Nominee.


Liaison Position

Nominated By/Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

ccNSO Liaison

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Nom), Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro (Nom), Rinalia Abdul Rahim (Nom), Eduardo Diaz (Nom), Carlton Samuels, Tijani Ben Jemaa

4 October 2012

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Alan Greenberg

GNSO Liaison

Eduardo Diaz (Nom); Carlton Samuels, Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Tijani Ben Jemaa

4 October 2012

Alan Greenberg

Edmon Chung

IDN Liaison

Rinalia Abdul Rahim (Nom), Tijani Ben Jemaa


Edmon Chung

Evan Leibovitch

NCSG Liaison

Tijani Ben Jemaa (Nom),


Evan Leibovitch

Julie Hammer

SSAC Liaison

Tijani Ben Jemaa (Nom),


Julie Hammer

* The DotMobi Liaison position is remaining vacant pending clarification from DotMobi.