At-Large Rules of Procedure 07 May 2012
Date: Monday 07 May 2012
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.ROP/MT.0512/1
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Action Items: EN
Summary Minutes: EN
Recording:EN, ES
Transcript:EN, ES
AC Chat Transcript:EN
Apologies: Sandra Hoferichter, Maureen Hilyard
- A G E N D A - to be updated
1. Welcome & Attendance (5 min... CLO/Staff)
2. Short Historical perspective and review of Prior ALAC Rules of Procedure (inclusive of tracking to current Version in use) (10min... CLO/Brett)
3. Discussion of ' How We Are To Proceed' Section by Section, Wiki based, concurrent activities, use of Sub Teams, administrative support and methods etc., (15 min... WG/Staff)
See: ROP WG Workspace|display/atlarge/ALAC+_+At-Large+Rules+of+Procedure+Working+Group||||\, including Section by Section Workspace|display/atlarge/ALAC+Rules+of+Procedure+Working+Group||||\
4. Next Steps (including reporting deadline key dates etc.,) (15 min... CLO/Staff)
5. AOB and review of AI's (10 min... CLO/Staff)
6. Next Meeting (including confirmation of time rotation or not) (5 min... CLO/Staff)