Meeting Number: AL.IDN/CC.0312/1
Please send an email to staff(at) if you require a dial-out for this call.
At-Large IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps Workspace
See: At-Large IDN Variant Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report Workspace
Submission of ALAC statement to Public Comment forum (prior to 18 March).
a. Date, time, and location of meeting: Monday, 12 March 2012 at 17:00-18:00 local CR time in the Heliconia Meeting Room.
b. Draft agenda
1. Introduction and Objectives of the meeting (Edmon Chung) (5 min)
2. Update on IDN WG Activities since Dakar (Edmon Chung) (15 min)
3.Priorities for the next Trimester (All) (30 min)
4. Next Meeting (Edmon Chung) (5 min)
5. Any other Business (Edmon Chung) (5 min)