Monday, 10 June 2024

AFRALO Roundtable: Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa

High-Level Notes

Nii Quaynor - Need short and long term plans. The short-term plans need to fit into longer term plans. 

Alan Barrett - Suggested more training is needed to reduce scope for human mistakes. It is important to have solid infrastructure. For example, need more than two name-servers. 

Mr. Audace Niyonkuru- Protecting the digital economy is important. Most pressing cybersecurity is growing mistrust from end users. It makes changes very hard. What is needed is more capacity building and a space for dialogue for end users and service providers. 

Dr. Catherine Adeya - Need for digital literacy and lack of local language content are key factors. There are over 3,000 local African languages. Local content is key. 

Bukola Orenti/Dr. Mattagoro - Provided feedback on ALS survey. 

Yaovi Atohoun - Discussed the Coalition for Digital Africa. 


Claire Craig - Commented that the ALS survey was useful for other regions. Also asked to how many people was the survey sent. 

Action Items 

AFRALO: Building a Multilingual Internet: Opportunities and Challenges

High-Level Notes

Can you share with us some successful examples of domain names and email addresses being used in local languages within Africa?

Could you highlight the roadmap for the successful implementation of UA in Africa, emphasizing the impact of these initiatives? How might we replicate these initiatives?

What strategies have been effective in overcoming the challenges associated with adopting UA in your country?

Could you share a success story or a particular challenge you faced while promoting UA adoption?

How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership?

What are the next steps for stakeholders in supporting a multilingual landscape in Africa?

Action Items 

At-Large Leadership Welcome Session

High-Level Notes

Action Items 

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

At-Large, Fellows and NextGen Interaction

High-Level Notes

Ergas Ramaj (ER) noted that it is key to have a level of Return on Investment for the Fellowship and NextGen Programs. 

ER noted that defining participation is important. Fellows may participate up to 3 ICANN Public Meetings. 

The first public meeting is focused on intent. The second and third Public Meeting is more on participation. 

There were two public comments to confirm whether the Fellowship and NextGen programs were fit for purpose. 

The SOACs define the target the objectives for diversity. The program support team speak with the SOACs to learn about their diversity targets and needs and wants. 

Mentorship programs are key to ensure that the Fellows and New Comer students find their way in the journey. 

What is the bridge for Fellows/Next Gen to the SOACs? Is it sufficient? How can it be improved? 

Questions and answers covered many issues of the Fellowship and NextGen Programs. 

Action Items 

At-Large Collaboration in the New gTLD Program Outreach and Engagement Plan

High-Level Notes

Action Items 

Joint Session: ALAC & SSAC

High-Level Notes



Action Items 

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Joint Session: ALAC & GAC

High-Level Notes

Contention Resolution


Action Items 

At-Large Cross RALO Coordination Session

High-Level Notes

Action Items 

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

High-Level Notes

Action Items 

Thursday, 13 June 2024

At-Large ISOC Chapter Roundtable

High-Level Notes

Action Items 

At-Large Leadership Wrap Up Session

High-Level Notes

Action Items