All ICANN67 Planning Committee call Action Items and notes will be posted on this page.

27 February

Notes on ICANN67 remote meeting: 

Heidi Ullrichto confirm with Maureen that a single issue call of the ALAC be held after the CPWG call during the week of the 2 March. 

JZ to contact the chairs of At-Lage ICANN67 session to discuss need for ground rules for chairing during ICANN67. 

20 February

Notes on ICANN 67 remote meeting

1) Determine the bilateral meetings such as sessions with BOARD, GAC, etc

2) Weekends- are we planning to hold calls on weekends?

3)Perhaps do a weekend of capacity building; then during the week, focus on policy, attending GNSO meetings, bilaterals, Board meeting, plenaries

Types of meetings :

13 February 2020

04 February 2020

23 January 2020

16 January 2020 


09 January 2020 

Three sessions to be scheduled: 

Two roundtables:

12 December 2019

GAC Survey submitted by Yrjö with suggested agenda and outcomes.

Note - additional topics and groups added below (included is date on which added to the list)

4 December 2019

Important note - At-Large Community encouraged to participate in the Pre-ICANN67 Prep week Webinars

Topics for discussion:

Note: Universal Acceptance Roundtable to be arranged at ICANN68 in Kuala Lumpur

Additional topics:

Suggested Groups:

Additional Guests:

Social Activities: