English Conference ID = 1638
Spanish Conference ID = 1738
Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/97312605232?pwd=M2F5TWpQV0JHYnNCdlpPMEM0MHBDdz09 / Password: SMWGCall#1
EN: Natalia Filina, Lianna Galstyan, Alfredo Calderon
ES: None
Apologies: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Daniel Nanghaka
Staff: Evin Erdoğdu, Yeşim Nazlar
ES Interpreters: Marina & Veronica
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
Natalia Filina, EURALO SMWG Regional Chair
Regional Vice-Chairs: AFRALO Bukola Oronti, APRALO Shreedeep Rayamajhi, LACRALO Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, NARALO Peter Knight
1. Roll call - Staff (2 mins)
2. Agenda overview - Natalia Filina and Evin Erdoğdu (3 minutes)
3. Short report and conclusion of the of the ICANN70 SMWG campaign - Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, ICANN70 SMWG Regional Chair (10 min)
See: ICANN70 SMWG Report
4. ICANN71 SMWG strategy and discussion - Natalia Filina and all (25 min)
5. ALAC Subcommittee of Outreach and Engagement and SMWG coordination - during ICANN71 Prep Week - Natalia Filina and all (15 min)
6. AOB - 5 min